Sept.15th WT - WT Society uses Guilt & Fear to Avoid Friendship & Internet

by flipper 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • Violia

    Flipper and others,

    I have heard that statement many times. The KH is not like other churches, we are there only to serve Jehovah and not a social club. I recall the late 70's some starting to say that the new trend in becoming close friends with your Bible studies was disturbing. That continued through the 80's. I reacall and elder and his wife studied with a couple who were below them socially ( they felt) and they did not help them meet others at the KH and find friends and eventually this couple left. They did them a favor, really.

    They are a sad bunch. I used to say years ago about DF persons, "if we throw them out , where will they go?" More than a few agreed with me. I noticed that once individuals had family or close friends who were Df they began to see things in a new light. Well, if they were lucky they did.

    I'm just sad I wasted so many years.

    To add, all this will do is make more cliques. The ones who know each other already will continue to see each other, they just won't include those not in their group. So if you are not in the In group and already hooked up, you probably won't get many invites. If the new studies don't get hooked correctly, they will fall by the wayside too.

    It is so sad that they foster such paranoia.


  • Violia

    What about Bethel? Do they allow any socializing there? I bet it is a clique thing there too.

  • flipper

    VIOLIA- Good points you make. It is very sad that the WT society fosters such paranoia inside their organization. I do remember back in the 1980's and if we got TOO friendly with Bible Studies and they were not " progressing " sometimes elders or C.O.'s would say to " drop " the study . Real Christian love, right ? Not. I empathize with you about wasting so many years- I wasted 44 years myself ! But all we can do is be happy we are free and out of the mind control and move on in living life the best positive way we can now and in the future.

    As regards your question about Bethelites socializing - I read in Ray Franz's 2nd book " In Search of Christian Freedom " that a lot of hanky panky and socializing goes on behind the scenes with certain cliques - but any dirty laundry is attempted to be kept secret- however enough information that is revealing leaks out that Bethel is known for having some that like to party on the sly for sure. And then when everybody gathers for morning worship at the Bethel breakfast- people are then on good behavior. LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I remember once organizing a congregation picnic where we stopped at this abandoned/quarried out area along the river. It was known there were lots of fossils, trilobites, etc. I think we were studying the Creation book at the time and it talked about them. The goal was to find enough of them for each CBS group to have one to talk about the following week. We succeeded. Then the groups all went further up the river road to a state park. While some of the older ones with a disabled sister in a wheelchair prepped the BBQ in the picnic area, we all went hiking. Came back, ate, all had a great time.

    Unfortunately, one or two pairs of young teenagers went off on a side trail away from the main group. Whether anything actually happened or not who knows. That was the beginning of the end of such large scale picnics.

    The CBS group that I conducted toward the end we had a goodie night once a month. Best attended of all the nights and we had a close little group.(Side note: donuthole, do you remember that group? You were part of it until you were DF. Do you know what ever happened to that family? The host of that home was an elder that you confided in... and the elders attacked him and you. )

    Things started falling apart in the congo and the book studies when the socializing was discouraged/out right banned.

    stupid cult. glad I am out.

    Snakes (Rich )

  • flipper

    SNAKES- Nice hearing from you ! Interesting experiences. I used to see this as well if teenagers went off on their own without adult supervision - it tended to kill any more picnics or gatherings then a local needs talk would come up about heavy petting between teenagers . The WT society always expected the worst of JW's and thought everybody was so sinful- they couldn't let them associate in large groups. It was ridiculous. The real ones who couldn't be trusted was the GB and leaders of the WTS

  • flipper

    Bumping for newbies or others who might have missed this

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