When you stop your car at the Red Light and someone else is flirting with/smiling at you in her or his car, what do you do? I would like to have extended stick to give her my business card. If you know of a product like that, please let me know.
Red Light Romance :)
by asilentone 13 Replies latest social relationships
Broken Promises
You really need to get out more.
or get out less maybe
Broken Promises, you have all of the solutions?
Broken Promises
If you spent as much time on getting out and meeting real people socially, as you do hypothesising about women you see and have fantasies about, you’d probably have someone by now.
BP, be cool, thanks for your suggestions.
Dude, learn to dance!
Something similar to that actually happened to me... I was stopped at a red light, and the guy in the next car jumped out of it and ran over to my car, handed me his card and said "Please call me!!!!" I didn't.
White Dove
Yeah, you do need to get out more.
I picture you spending most of your off time in front of the computer in your parents' basement drooling over a porn site.
Your posts give me the image of that greasy bad guy with the comb over in Toy Story who kidnaps Woody to sell him.
thats reminded me why i drive with my doors locked.