They are endlessly programmed at long tiresome repetitous meetings to believe THEY are the ones right, and the WORLD is wrong. Yet, if one thinks critically and investigates for themselves they will see that the Watchtower is always wrong and has to continue changing it's rules as "New Light" from Jehovah. A thinking person having faith in the Grand Creator of this vast universe would realize that he would not be continually changing his mind on life or death issues. No good imperfect parent would even do that. So the question is, do you really belive Watchtower is the exclusive channel to God or just another fanatic fear based cult like pyramid fleecing it's flock.
Witness Denial, or Acceptance of 'Truth'
by ashitaka 12 Replies latest jw friends
I do not think most of the witnesses know of the scandals. If they hear of them, it is an apostate, evil doer who is trying to bring down Jehovah's house. (my mother's words)
My mother has seen their corruption up close. She has decided to turn a blind eye in the hope that the big A will make it all better. For some reason, she does not seem to understand that if Brother A, who had an erection during her DF hearing, is still an elder in 'good standing' when the big A occurs, would not he live through it? Will he not be in the new system with her? How is this better?
She gives drone, canned answers to questions. My JW relatives do also. Even the unbaptized ones. I have a few cousins who were never baptized and they are convinced that 1. they are going to live through the big A, and 2. they are going to see their currently dead father after the big A. (I say God's speed! )
As you said, the "put faith in Jehovah" words have been spoken. Way too much!
I agree, you two.
It's a shame, too, because lots of these people would be pretty damn cool if they weren't strangled by the cult.
My father-in-law-
nice guy, but becoming a witness has changed him for the worse...way worse. It's a shame, because my grandfather-in-law always talks about how nice of a guy he was before he succumbed to his wife's ranting.You could murder someone, and so could every person in bethel, and the masses would regard it as just the actions of individuals, not of the whole.
Some elders even told me that the org. could die, and they would abide by what the newest light was from the Watchtower at the time. They would never 'veer from Jehovah's way'.
I was privy to a lot of info as a teenager. I would always speak frankly to the elders because I would sleep over, hanging out with their kids. I was allowed to speak frankly, even "dangerously", and they thought nothing of it, because of the kind of person I am.
Yet, they never could convince me, not even the best of them, that a lie was good. No matter who it came from. And I could never convince them that the org. could be wrong, only 'ever changing' in 'new light'.
I even scoffed at the term 'new light', in front of an elder in his home. I said, 'why can't they just admit when they're wrong? I'm sure people would understand that they are imperfect men.'
"But you have to remember that God is who directs the Organization."
"I know that, but the men can mess up the orders given, right?"
"Yes, but that would be the fault of the individuals."
"Who make up the org."
"Right, but.."
"So you're saying that when the society says something incorrect, it's the fault of men, but at all the other times they're inspired by God and that to ignore them is to ignore God."
He just put his hands up in a kind of YOU GOT IT gesture, and smiled. Then we talked about other things.
I have talked to so many witnesses, and I just can't understand them. I can't understand how they can turn a blind eye to things. It can only be for selfish reasons, that they don't want to feel their life was a waste, that they want to score on their investment.
That's really the only way I can explain it.