Atheism Appears throughout history (including ancient Greek philosophy), but especially after the Enlightenment (19th cent).
Baha'i Faith Founded by Bahá'u'lláh, 1863, Tehran, Iran.
Buddhism Founded by Siddharta Gautama (the Buddha) in c. 520 BC, NE India.
Christian science- Founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879, Massachusetts
Confucianism Founded by Confucius (551–479 BC)
Epicureanism Epicurus in c.300 BC, Athens.
Gnosticism Various teachers including Valentinus, 1st-2nd cents. AD
Hinduism Indigenous religion of India as developed to present day.
Jainism Mahavira, c. 550 BC, eastern India
Mormonism (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) Joseph Smith, 1830, New York, USA
Seventh-day Adventists Rooted in Millerite movement; founded 1863 in New England; early leaders: Ellen White, Hiram Edson and Joseph Bates
Shinto Indigenous religion of Japan.
Zoroastrianism Zoroaster in c.6th cent. BC, Persia. Official religion of ancient Persia. May have influenced Judaism and Vedic religion.
Taoism Lao-Tzu, c. 550 BC, China.
Spiritualism, a.k.a. Spiritism Modern movement: c.1850, USA, UK, France
Jehovah's Witnesses Charles Taze Russell, 1879, Pittsburg
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