I was reading through another thread and this was briefly mentioned. I remember goodie nights, I also remember how they just kind of faded out. Was that an unofficial thing or was there official direction from the FDS in the form of a letter/article or local needs talk that put a stop to it?
Goodie night
by PYRAMIDSCHEME 14 Replies latest jw friends
I remember, too.
We used to go and have ice cream at a little out-of-the-way place.
It drew us closer to each other.
At first glance, I thought you were bidding us goodnight in a cute way!
I thought you were talking about one of the Salem brethren.
Goodwife Bek or Goody Bek.
White Dove
I know that it was appreciated by everyone. It made the after meeting time more of a bonding experience instead of everyone going home right after.
One of the things that made being a kid in the cult barely tolerable was "treat night" (aka "goodie night") at the Congregation Book Study.
Not long after I left that congo and started my fade (dec 06), I had noticed that it was coming to an end. First the goodie night goes, then the CBS goes....
...Brooklyn (Patterson) better not mess with coffee breaks....field service will come to an official halt. I tried to shorten breaks (from 45 min-hour) to the normal 15 and got shot down...that told me all I needed to know as a JW and an elder...that people hated FS as much as I did. When I became secretary.... I could tell that the amount of time turned in did not match the amount of time (minus breaks) that was put in.
Maybe the GB will shoot itself in the foot and WT, et. al. will die a quiet death.... how many people do you know are actually contacted at the door anymore by a dub in FS?
Snakes (Rich )
I also remember collard greens and pork tails!
They are great food items for bonding.
I remember cake and coffee being served after the book study. At one brother's house it was done every week! It was nice. At a sister's house it was once a month or so. Then at the KH BS ( in the library/kitchen) it was once a month. But I rarely had opportunity to stay for it as the people I went to the meeting with did not think witnesses should have any kind of "party" so they left right after the BS ended.
I also remember congregation picnics. But that was a long time ago.
And of course the coffee break during FS. It started as 20 minutes and over time expanded to almost an hour! Then it became an after FS lunch! something to look forward to. But of course, the cult does not want witnesses doing these things as you never know... they may start discussing different ideas or asking questions and you know what that might lead to...!