I am not surprised. They take away all the gatherings outside the boasting sessions. First, the rollerskating parties. Then, the picnics and ball-games (such as baseball, flag football, and the like). Now, they have virtually zero gatherings except at the boasting sessions and field circus.
Yes, the goodie nights went the way of the book study as a separate meeting. They never have these when the whole congregation is at the Kingdumb Hell. Whether goodie nights were being phased out or not (they were not common where I was) before, the end of the separate book study put the kabosh on the whole thing. And, something tells me that the coffee break in field circus might be next--they might in fact put an official 15 minute time limit (and they had better have someone time it) or your field circus time stops. Or, they might just make you stop your time altogether--or, if enough people cheat on their time by including coffee break time anyways, outright ban it. And I hope the whole religion simply falls apart--I hear the Catholic church has a full roster of social activity.