suddenly i am hit with this overwhelming feeling that we are wrong and that there are logical explanations for all of the things that dont make sense. aaaah. this is awful. there is no way to know. nothing makes sense anymore. and even when it does something else does too that is the complete opposite so what the heck?
who needs this kind of aggravation? i mean maybe being a dub isnt so bad. at least then you have all the answers to lifes questions. who cares if they are true on not if you believe them thats all that matters. least you can live and die with a purpose and meaning to life. oh forget it, i know that makes no sense.
maybe i've been talkin to too many dubs lately. i mean they make no sense when they try to answer my questions about things i have found out but its like they dont need answers cause they are perfectly satisfied that this is the Jahs org and they will happily serve in it forever. maybe its not so bad to turn a blind eye. at least you have a group of people all over the world that you are a part of. at least you are a part of something ya know? and not just thrown out here alone in the world with no one.
maybe compromising ones conscience isnt so bad if its for a good reason, like keeping you from a lonely miserable existance. especially if we could be wrong anyway then it wouldnt be a compromise afterall.
why would He make life so complicated anyway?