Google your JWN username

by exwhyzee 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • four candles
    four candles

    Mine comes up with the comedy sketch by the two ronnies,and that takes up most of the list,however there is a four candles pub in Oxford and and electrician advertising his services......but no sign of yours truly.

    However I did find this,which some of you may have seen before,I think it's nice.

    Four candles are burning slowly in the dark room. It is so quite that you can hear their talk. The first candle said: “I am Peace, but nobody wants to support me. I suppose that I will die down. ” The flame of that candle became slow down, and very soon it died.
    The second one told others : ”I am Faith. People are not interested in me any more, so I do not have any sense to burn.” The flame of the candle disappeared instantly thanks to blowing wind.
    The third candle began her speech very dreary:”I am Love. I do not have any forces to be on fire. Human beings reject me, and what is more they do not want to realize the importance of my existence. They even forget to love their nearest and dearest.” It also vanished with speed.
    Suddenly little boy came into the room. He began to cry when he saw that three candles had already disappeared. “Why have you died? You should be in fire completely!”
    The fourth candle said: ”Stop crying! While I am still burning we can help others because I am Hope!”
    The happy child took the candle of hope and lit other candles.
    The light of hope should never die in our lives.
    I expect that faith, peace and love will always accompany us!

  • lisavegas420


    it's all post after post from this site.


  • sammielee24

    Mine came up immediately and I'm absolutely not impressed. Any way to delete all activity?

    By clicking on my name it goes directly to a message I posted less than a year ago. It also accesses the link to my messages and that includes all personal information in those messages from anyone who contacted me. It also allows anyone to access all the members on JWN and I believe that would also allow them to open up all the messages in there.

    This breech could affect any person on here who has photo's, trips, other data etc - including major personal discussions.

    I got someone else to type my name in google also and they could access the information of all the members - bio, topics posted etc, even though they are logged in as visitor.

    This will affect everyone on JWN.

  • chickpea

    lemme guess.... garbanzo bean recipes

    hummus anyone?

  • Mickey mouse
  • four candles
    four candles

    MM....are you sure??? I mean it's a pretty unusual name!!!

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    a load of pretty flowers

    but then I tried Sweet pea Jehovahs Witness - dang! my cover is blown! . . .

    Besty + Sweet Pea = Its A Family Affair (1), Jehovah's Witnesses ...
    10 posts - 9 authors - Last post: 19 Apr 2007 Seven days on and: Sweet Pea has chucked out all her WTS books Sweet Pea is never going to another meeting and has told her Mum so Sweet Pea ... - Cached
  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    So is yours four candles

  • betterdaze
  • agonus

    Mostly these guys


    Strikingly handsome fellow, wouldn't you say? It's almost like looking in a mirror!

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