A Newbies Story

by Lets Think 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lets Think
    Lets Think

    Resigned as an Elder last week. Briefly this is my story. I was raised as a witness in the 60”s and 70’s. My father was a Congregation Servant then Elder and P.O. My Grandparents were witnesses and my Great Grandparents. Married a regular pioneer at 22. Was appointed shortly after a M.S. then an Elder at 30. My wife regular pioneered for 18 years. I Aux Pioneered up to six months a year. At 35 I was PO of our Congregation. I had parts at Circuit Assemblies and District Conventions, served on various committees. In short I was a true believer and in the center of things in my city.

    Then came the first generation change in 95 / 96 I was shocked, I had preached the generation of 1914 would see the end in there lifetime. After all the FDS had said so, it was in the live Forever book, I had studied it with so many people, it was “truth”. Then with a simple article in a magazine they tore down the goalposts. But of course they had to, they had ran out of time. This had a huge impact on me (really, really surprised it did have a huge impact on more) They clearly did not have a clue when the end was, big questions about 1914 etc. I made dramatic changes in my life; my wife became pregnant (planned) quite regular pioneering. I doubled the size of my business and bought a house.

    I now believed I would most likely die in this system. I had my doubts about the level of spirit direction given to the FDS.

    This all lead me down another road of “personal” study. What about the worsening world conditions does that not prove we are in the time of the end? I went to a two day elder’s school they had a demo how to deal with someone who doubted the time of the end. We were to ask them are things getting better or worse as you look around the world. They of course say worse, and then Joe Elder say’s see we are at the end of the last days. All simple and clear cut. I had just been NYC and walked through central park at night, never felt safer. Murder rate in NYC in the late 70’s and 80’s was 1500 a year now 500 a year. Getting better? Violent crime way down! I went to the lower east side Tenement museum in NYC. (Well worth it by the way) Conditions for the average person in the 1800 really really sucked, infant mortality terrible, I could go on and on. We are taught the WW1 ushered a time of death and violence. That we are living in the wickedest and most turbulent time in world history. This is absolutstly untrue. The only way you could think that we are living in the worst time in human history is if you had little or no knowledge of history. Interesting that there were deadlier wars then WW1 in the 1800’s Wikipedia say 15 million died in WW1 but in the supposed peaceful 1800’s 20 million died in the Taiping Rebellion. (Or do we just count European wars) More Americans died in the civil war then every war put together since the civil war. If you still have doubts about this, here is some recommended reading.

    It's getting better all the time : 100 greatest trends of the last 100 years. by

    Stephen Moore , Julian Lincoln Simon

    The new Bill Bryson book “At Home” What life was like for the average person 1800’s.

    “Before the Dawn” By Nicholas Wade

    Maybe you think the Morals are in big decline please read.

    The Way we never Were. By Stephanie Coontz.

    I think you get the point of how I feel.

    Then came more body blows, the huge swing against education. I now had a small child who was to receive only training in window cleaning, are you kidding me. You have all posted endlessly on this subject so I won’t go on about it now. Except to say the bible is pro education not anti. The organization is hugely hypocritical on this point, and only oppressive regimes and dictators keep there people uneducated. (if my grammar is poor in this rant it is due to my enforced lack of education, but then the end was going to be here before I got out of high school)

    Then the finally body blow that lead to my resigning as an elder. The overlap! You all have once again have posted on this insane idea. I taught the Bible explains and interprets itself and it does. A generation is thirty or forty year’s period. Contemporaries are not the case of a 90 year old Br Franz meeting some young new bethel elder that will soon be on the governing body. We have a new deadline, (the current FDS will not pass away before the end comes) are you kidding me, have we not learnt from blowing though the last four or five deadlines.

    In summary there is a limit to how much you can make stuff up and insult the intelligence of the R&F. I will still go to meetings and be active in the Congregation. I love the brotherhood. I love having a place where I can express my love of Jehovah and Jesus and be a Christian. But I can no longer take the lead in supporting made up stuff.

    At any rate that’s my rant, needed to get it off my chest. I don’t have time to post much so please do not be offended if I do not return posts.

  • wannabefree

    Welcome! Glad to have you aboard. Learning the truth about this religion sure makes a mess of things, still, I'd rather be free.

  • jamiebowers

    Welcome. What are you going to do about field service?

  • tenyearsafter

    Welcome...the truth, not the "Truth" will set you free.

  • wobble

    Big Welcome Lets Think !

    remember we are here to bounce ideas off if your new journey through life takes you in to uncharted waters, but I guess from your post you are pretty clued up on most things.

    All the best for you and your family.

  • Mattieu

    Welcome Lets Think, thanks for sharing your story, hope to hear more from you. Cheers, Mattieu

  • smiddy

    Welcome lets think

    It can be a long and slow journey to finally free yourself from the borgs mentality,some of us take longer than others for various reasons,however it`s a journey you wont regret.Take your time and learn heaps from this site. you will have a lot of support here.

    All the best


  • Hadit

    Welcome to the forum Lets Think! Looks like you've been doing a lot of thinking! I wish you and your family all the best in your journey. This is a great place to come for support.


  • Farkel


    You are living proof why the WTS is losing its brightest and best members.


  • goldensky

    Dear Lets Think, I very sincerely congratulate you on your bold and honest step. You belong to a select minority now, those who are brave enough to live coherently, whatever the cost. Because resigning your eldership is by no means an easy thing to do. But the reward is definitely worth it: you will see an honorable man whenever you look at yourself in the mirror and be able to hold your head high amongst your fellow humans, even if many don't approve of you.

    I anticipate though you may well feel the need to make further adjustments as time goes by, but I'm sure you will face any future decisions with the same boldness you have already manifested. All the best to you.

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