Ok, The Mr. constantly rolls his eyes and tells me I just don't understand anytime any of his literature shows up with something along the lines of "women are the weaker vessel." Apparently (at least in his own little mind), it does not mean women are these delicate, breakable, weaker things, but something else... Something more subtle. Anytime he's ever explained it to me (which has been a few years, I reckon), it's come out sounding like reason for women being second class citizens... Is he just putting his own spin on it? Is there really a differently nuanced meaning to this?
Women as weaker vessel - explain?
by Libelle 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It means we have to dust and polish if we want to get laid...
(sorry couldn't help myself)..
here is a brief quote that may help...
“YOU husbands, continue dwelling [with your wives] according to knowledge,” wrote the apostle Peter, “assigning them honor as to a weaker vessel, the feminine one.” (1 Peter 3:7) Does this Scriptural reference to a woman as “a weaker vessel” belittle women in any way? Let us see what the inspired writer originally intended to convey.
The Greek noun rendered “honor” means “price, value, . . . respect.” Thus, a Christian husband is to treat his wife with tenderness, showing her due consideration as a delicate, precious vessel. This is not demeaning at all. As an example, consider the Tiffany lotus lamp. This exquisitely fine lamp can indeed be considered delicate. Does the lamp’s fragile nature diminish its value? Far from it! In 1997 the original Tiffany lotus lamp sold at an auction for 2.8 million dollars! Its delicate makeup served to enhance its value, not diminish it.
Likewise, assigning a woman honor as to a weaker vessel does not devalue or demean her. Dwelling with his wife “according to knowledge” means that a husband takes into account her strengths and limitations, likes and dislikes, outlook and feelings. A caring husband recognizes and respects personality differences between him and his wife. He shows due consideration for her “in order for [his] prayers not to be hindered.” (1 Peter 3:7) A husband who fails to respect his wife’s feminine virtues endangers his own relationship with God. Clearly, God’s Word does not belittle women. Rather, it dignifies and honors them.
or perhaps this one:
w05 3/1p.18par.10WiseGuidanceforMarriedCouples***
In what way, then, are women ‘weaker vessels’? Perhaps Peter was referring to the fact that, on average, women are smaller and have less physical strength than men. In addition, in our imperfect state, the wonderful privilege of bearing children exacts a physical toll. Women of childbearing age may be subject to physical discomforts on a regular basis. They certainly need special care and consideration when experiencing such discomforts or enduring the exhausting trials of being pregnant and giving birth. A husband who assigns honor to his wife, recognizing the support that she needs, will contribute greatly to the success of the marriage. -
I'm the same height as my husband, we're both 6'. I know I can't take him (yep, I know from experience that's he's stronger than me) but most folks don't know that.
Hmmm, well the one thing that comes to mind, just at first is:
They certainly need special care and consideration when experiencing such discomforts or enduring the exhausting trials of being pregnant and giving birth.
After having given birth, yeah, um ain't no weaker about it, this is an endurance test beyond most. And for those women who birth in a hospital, some of them are in labor for ~24 hours without even anything to eat, and still caryy on. Perhaps women cannot, say, bench as much as a man can, but the endurance thing should account for something. Anyway, I still don't get it with reference even to birthing.
A husband who fails to respect his wife’s feminine virtues endangers his own relationship with God
This is vague. What exactly are "feminine virtues?" I wonder if there's an answer to that.
It means we have to dust and polish if we want to get laid...
(sorry couldn't help myself)..
hahah! Yeah, well, that's true for some couples. Me, I rarely turn down an opportunity, so long as the wild child that is our 2 year old is sufficiently contained.
I'm the same height as my husband, we're both 6'. I know I can't take him (yep, I know from experience that's he's stronger than me) but most folks don't know that.
HAHA! I like that.
This is vague. What exactly are "feminine virtues?" I wonder if there's an answer to that.
Perhaps it means to respect the vulva?
Being that I grew up on a farm, there were some farmer's wives I knew who were stronger than their husbands. I am stronger than my Father, now that he is aging.
The whole 'weaker vessel' thing is an attempt to keep women under control and in a second class position. There is an underlying theme of disdain for women in the Bible so religions are justified in keeping women down.
The whole subjugation of women in the Borg is a major reason why I never joined up.
I also think some men take "weaker vessel" to mean weak in the head.
I can tell you that it is purposely kept vague in print. the organization always gives it more of an emotional slant when speaking from the platform. a more fragile emotional makeup type thing is the gist. To an extent i agree... No i dont think women are "fragile" or "weak" emotionally but since it was written by a man, from a man's point of view, i assume it was more of a statement that women let emotions influence them, as opposed to cold hard type "logic"... personally i think both are needed and valuable but there are times when letting emotion cloud your thinking could be viewed as "weak"... thus the encouragement to take your wife's emotions and feelings into account instead of letting cold hard logic rule all decision making.
The whole 'weaker vessel' thing is an attempt to keep women under control and in a second class position. There is an underlying theme of disdain for women in the Bible so religions are justified in keeping women down.
I agree. That's been my position on the bible for years, but The Mr, who's well entrenched in JWness, tells me I'm reading it all wrong.