There were some awesome comments made:
1 - The WT conductor related a story about how a group of folks who he saw grow up in his old congregation recently DA'ed in a group. He didn't say how many but it sounded like a handful at once. That actually made me cheerful in an otherwise maddening hour. Of course, it was because they were trusting in their own wisdom not because of anything the "slave class" said.
2 - Several references to non-JWs being completely destroyed. Got to have that death and destruction. Sadly, the first comment of the morning was from a 4 year old saying that the world will be destroyed.
3 - Ramblings about the evils of the internet! Tool of Satan.
4 - Ramblings about the "peace and security" prophesy. Seems to be some confusion about when it would happen (either pre or post great trib). I though the official teaching was, 1) fall of Babylon which begins great trib, 2) earth united under the anti-christ and UN, 3) call of peace and security, 4) then the Big A. Did that change because no one corrected the person that said the call of peace and security would kick off the great trib.