Do you know any JW's who commited a 'sin' in the past but never confessed it to the elders?

by XPeterX 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    For all my indoctrination and trying to believe all the shit back then... the one thing I never bought into was the confession of sins or bad thoughts.

    As a JW, I never, ever willingly went to elders about anything. And the times I got questioned by them, I skirted the issue or out-and-out lied. The only time I ever willingly gave information at a JC meeting was payback to a slimeball of a dub that I wanted to see get their just desserts.

    And yes...there was a disconnect between trying to believe what I was taught and trying to side step the "laws" and never admit my shortcomings. I didn't feel good about it at the time, but looking back, I'm sure glad that I never told them anything. Now it's kind of a source of pride that no one in that old JW lifestyle really ever knew much about me.

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    Do I? Oh, yes I do! Even something from as recent as a month ago.

    I remember that in my good boy days I still struggled with the whole snitch thing. I did reveal some small things to the elders about a few people, because I thought I was supposed to. I'm glad nothing serious came out of it.

    Now I feel it's not my business. It's between the individual and whomever he feels, or believes in.

    Of course I only apply this when it comes to relating anything to the elders. When it comes to certain situations (pedophilia, adultery, and other things) someone other than the elders has to, or deserves to, know.


  • mamalove

    Sure, are you kidding. When I was a JW teenager I did teenage things, drank a little, tried a joint once or twice, made out with boys, well maybe a little more....I never thought that elders were ENTITLED to know anything about my private life.

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    I left a religion that has people confess their sins to a priest.

    I was told THAT was not scriptural.

    Judge Dread

  • Ding

    With all the anti-Roman Catholic vitriol in WT history, there's got to be a WT article somewhere that condemns the idea of confessing sins to a priest. I wonder how that compares to confessing to WT elders.

  • yknot

    Gee, I am thinking every person in the WTS is guilty of that....... (minus wee small babies).

    If I confessed my 'sin' of purposely going 4 miles over limit because I know I won't be stopped by an officer what good is it going to do as I am a repeat offender and not truly repentent....

    I suppose the SC would laugh, equally confess (I see him every day doing this too!)

    Gosh just thinking about all the 'little sins' such as the above each day ..... I would be on the phone to an Elder at least once an hour!


    I don't think Brother Elders is going to like it when I call up from Walmart and gush with guilt that every single man I see has nice biceps and perfect stuble that is making my panties wet!

    Gee ain't me being 36 great

  • Mary

    Yep. I know several couples who committed the Big F(ornication) before they were married and they never went to the elders. Some of them are now elders themselves, pioneers, etc.

    They know that I know. Why do you think I haven't been DF'd?

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    Come on, Mary.

    I'll get you DF'ed.

    Judge Dread

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Hear all, See all, Say nowt

    (Part of Yorkshire proverb)


  • elderelite

    Lolz knot... i know an elder you could confess to...

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