All these years (especially during my adolesence) I have been praying to that christian god (Jehovah,YHWH,God,HIM,Yahweh,Jah,Almighty) but he has never answered a single prayer of mine.I have lived up to his standards wholeheartedly and with zeal and he spits me in the face every day.He left me when I encountered hardships or even minor difficulties even though I gave my full pottential to worship him.I got fed up with his lies and mistruths and my patience has abandoned me.Now it's time for me to turn my back on him in return.
What's the use of prayer?
by XPeterX 20 Replies latest jw experiences
Your doing something wrong, You could pray to a rock and have a 50% success rate.
What are you asking for that you never get?
Everything I have asked for has never been given/answered.He's not my god anymore
Prayer is not about asking for things. Prayer is a form of communion. It's about building a relationship.
Pray to God but tie up your camel.
Pray this way "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference.
See if that one works for you.
If it works you can keep it.
Well I don't want that relation and he never was my friend.I never felt his power in my life either
What specifically did you pray for?
Things I prayed for:Wisdom,faith,patience,help to overcome daily problems,thanked him for food,life etc,tried to become friends with him,just what a normal person would ask God according to His will.
Black Sheep
You must be doing it wrong Peter.
My Dad prayed to Jehovah when he lost his car keys and the next day he looked in his car and there they were.
Praise the Lord