Jehovah's Witnesses not a protestant religion? (from The Watchtower 2009)

by Joliette 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JWoods

    They just can't stand to give the protestants any credit for ever doing anything of value.

    It's OK, though, because they hate the Catholics (and the Adventists, for that matter) just as much.

    It again makes you wonder who they think the "true faithful christians" really were all those years between the apostles and CTRussell.

  • Joliette

    I couldnt believe this when I read it. They might be a protestant religion, but there are protestant ROOTS!! Thats like me claiming that I have no lineage to africa, but I have nappy hear and a round noise, so hello, I have roots in Africa.

  • Essan

    JW's roots are Protestant by way of Adventism. They just don't like to acknowledge any association or debt to other groups. They like to pretend they are the original religion. What utter bull.

    Actually the JW's are the most Protestant of Protestant sects, because they never stop protesting about anything and everything. :)

    They protest about collar length hair, beards, trousers on women, careers, fun, thinking, rock music, barn dances, other Christians, vaccines, smurfs, education, Birthdays - you name it, they'll protest against it LOL.

  • Leolaia
    Second, the religion that Jehovah’s Witnesses advocate is, not one of negative protest, but one of positive instruction. They take seriously the Bible’s counsel: “A servant of the Lord is not to engage in quarrels, but has to be kind to everyone, a good teacher, and patient. He has to be gentle when he corrects people who dispute what he says.” (2 Timothy 2:24, 25, The Jerusalem Bible )

    So are they saying that at the historical moment at which Protestantism arose, the Reformers shouldn't have had a quarrel with the Catholic Church? Or, in turn, that Jehovah's Witnesses were wrong for most of the 20th century for their strident negativism and protest against Catholics and Catholic leaders? Why did a JW publication quote the KKK's approving comment lumping Rutherford with other anti-Catholic Protestants?

    *** g33 10/11 p. 4 Sending Forth the Truth Unto the Clouds ***

    The Kourier, published at Atlanta by the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, in its issue of September, 1933, said in part:

    "Roman Catholic newspapers the country over have broken out in a rash of criticism of what they term anti-Catholic radio programs. They are in particular begging the Federal Radio Commission to place a ban on Judge Joseph F. Rutherford's 'Watchtower' programs. . . . The Catholic attack on the Rutherford programs is one of the hottest they have launched on any Protestant project recently. Some spineless stations have already eliminated the feature to which the Catholics object, while others, with more backbone, have told their Catholic critics to go stick their heads in a bucket of holy water."

    Note that the same issue had this to say about Catholics:

    *** g33 10/11 p. 26 Churchianity & Christianity ***

    WHEN, in his letter to the Catholic Press, Judge Rutherford drew attention to their un-American and unmanly methods of suppressing free speech, he stirred some of the hypocritical canines in women's clothes and dog collars into making some curious statements of just what they think free speech is. .... It is a good thing to have these things published in the Catholic press and elsewhere so that when Jehovah God destroys the whole miserable nest of vipers every honest and decent person may rejoice that they no longer cumber the earth which they have disgraced...

    [W]e here and now object to the broadcasting of all Roman Catholic talks, on the ground that nobody with any common sense or any knowledge of history could possibly take any stock in any of them. They are entirely too controversial to go over with anybody except persons of moron or infantile mind, and they give offense to the religious feelings of everybody who has any of those things.

    Nor were the Reformers simply giving a negative protest; there were theologians and teachers among them. Finally, whom does the Society believe constituted the F&DS on earth during the Reformation, if not the Reformers themselves (Russell and Rutherford explicitly fingered Martin Luther as one of their forebears)? Is the Society here criticizing the F&DS?

  • LostGeneration

    Its just another article to keep the R&F from thinking....They are masters at revisionist history (1914, 1925, 1975)

    You don't want some JW finding out that Chuck Russel was actually an Adventist who decided to start his own religion. What better way to do it than to just say once again you are the Truth and everyone else is wrong. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

  • straightshooter

    JW believe that they actually started with the 1st century Christians and that these "true" Christians always existed throughout the ages. Therefore they are not a protestant religion. Though actual history shows otherwise, they insist that they follow early Christianity.

  • Joliette

    @ Straighshooter: Thats crazy.

    Didnt the Watchtower have a cross on the cover of its magazine?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Of course it's crazy. This is the Russell - Rutherford - Franz Cult we're talking about.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    As a friend of mine is apt to say at time like this...

    If it walks like a duck

    quacks like a duck

    chances are it is a duck


  • Joliette

    Aussie Oz:

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