"I always felt they were jealous of the Catholic Church (which they love to bash). I felt they craved the adulation/worship that the Pope gets and are nothing but social climbers looking to be put on a pedestal. ..."
I totally agree, LongHairGal...
Especially if one looks at the person who REALLY started the Jehovah's Witnesses' hysterical antipathy towards Christianity in general and the Catholic Church in particular... Ol' !NOT! 'da judge' Rutherford...
A blazing alcoholic and womanizer, he probably didn't have a very good attitude towards Christian "morals" from the beginning, and his imprisonment in - 1918, I think?? - REALLY set him off on a lifelong RANT against Christian churches in general and the Catholic Church in particular...
If I remember correctly, he always believed that his imprisonment was the result of behind-the-scenes manipulation and political maneuvering by the Catholic Church and other churches.
Yeah, I can DEFINITELY see him as a sniveling, petty, grudge-holding social climber who craved the adulation of the much-more-powerful Catholic Church...