In the late '60's early 70's there were individuals in Malawi that were being persecuted(as we were taught) for serving Jehovah.
All through this time we were constantly updated on how these individuals for their belief in Jehovah were suffering greatly.For their witness and testimony was what they said.
But you know the real reason they were being persecuted?Because the government wanted them to register for a card stating that their government was providing them food.
The governing body had told these poor souls that if they signed the card they would be saying that their trust was in man and not in Jehovah,because Jehovah is the only one who provides food.
Here's the truth: Malawi being a poor country(as other poor countries in Africa)was recieving food from the world food bank.The requirement of the card was so the food bank could issue out the correct amount of food that the government would need to feed it's people. That's what it was for,but these men sitting here in America taking nolthought of what was going on in the world threw these people to the lions.How do you think the government would react when these people refused to sign?but these same people would be looking for the food the government provided.
A poster related the above in a discussion about JW's.
What are your thoughts?