Intriguing Slant On Malawi Situation
by snowbird 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals
It appears that the WTBTS had little understanding, along with no compassion, for its people in Malawi. And (in comparison to a 'similar' situation in Mexico), it 'appears' about investment (if that sounds harsh, I apologise). Didn't the Mexico situation benefit the WT in some way? Land? But (and here's the harsh bit) Malawi is poor - by making Martyrs of people who supply no income (for, in this case, the Society), they may recruit members from richer areas as a result..?
It certainly seemed that they were expendable for WT's expediency.
It's so hard to stomach that.
Yeah, that doesn't quite add up. Maybe it was used to get food, but I don't think that's the reason they were persecuted. Still a disgusting stain on WTBS considering Mexico, the UN, and "mercy not sacrifice".
Btw, has anyone ever seen the actual card? Know where I could find it?
Thanks for the bump
Syl, thanks for your input on this subject.
I did not know this card was to more or less establish the food requirements for the people.
I also did not think, at the time, that this was a racial 'thing'. Silly me, I was fooled into thinking that in this so called righteous society ...that just would never happen!
This latest from Marvin is such a find and so shocking!
"I noticed some missing information intended for my article and went back and added it. It has to do with membership in the MCP. Witnesses were led to believe that paying to have an MCP card was the event that made a person a member of the MCP. That is false. Under the Banda regime birth made Malawians members of the MCP.
Giving a thug 50 cents and letting them hand you a blank MCP card was no more than an expedient for normal activity like traveling on the bus, visiting the hospital or shopping in the local market. It was not purchasing membership in the MCP. Whether they wanted it or not, by virtue of birth each Malawian was already a member of the MCP.
Did I mention that the MCP card they handed over was BLANK?
Marvin Shilmer"
I also did not think, at the time, that this was a racial 'thing'. Silly me, I was fooled into thinking that in this so called righteous society ...that just would never happen!
I thought the same.
Have my eyes been opened!
There is one other detail worth mentioning about the Societies objectives and motivations ( M O N E Y ):
The Society deliberately and falsely DENIED to the Mexican Government that they were even a religion - (claimed to be an "educational charity") - simply because Mexico at the time would have seized their real estate. I believe they even modified their meeting format in Mexico to support this illusion. For all I know now, this still may be true.
Compare that to a blank cardboard card for conscience issues.