DB- the ORIGINS of the views we still had when beginning, was leftover floatsam from CHURCHianity, from where we came- like the Cross and
X-Mas...plus some stupid ideas of our own- like the pyramids! heh
by theMadJW 213 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
DB- the ORIGINS of the views we still had when beginning, was leftover floatsam from CHURCHianity, from where we came- like the Cross and
X-Mas...plus some stupid ideas of our own- like the pyramids! heh
It is curious to me the most translators write on the cover of the said book "The Holy Bible " the NWT says
"New world Translation of the Holy Scriptures" it's almost a disclaimer.....this is our translation only !!
I'm sorry, but that wasn't an answer to my question MadJW. Please read my questions carefully and then respond. Why ignore YOUR origins, but no one elses? Why ONLY consider your CURRENT stance on things, but ignore your past?
To what point do origins matter?
Religion does that Dan. Ignores it's past. New Understandings.
Reminds me of the Local Sport Nut who Knows everything.
Then has the reasons WHY they didn't pick the winner when Their team Lost.
Or well............ we still had the better team..
we just lost
BD- origins, like things YOU'VE changed from, don't matter UNLESS still practiced....
Or did someone TELL you about the pyramid in my living room with a cross embedded in it, that we gather around an worship....
Caliber, the PURPOSE of translating is to capture the essence of what is said; it iS true- and you KNOW ITWhat are all these "useless " verses doing in the Bible about adding or taking away then ??
This is common JW tactic take the heat off...go on the offence.. all you asked ... 4-
The most HONEST and ACCURATE of all translations (none of the churchoids here have been ABLE to to any example of mistake
I recognize that Darth. But they put SOOOO much emphasis on the origins of EVERYTHING else. But they ask everyone to ignore their own. I want to know why that is.
It's a Ruse...........
Ignore the Man behind that Curtain. and listen to the Almighty Jehovah
Or did someone TELL you about the pyramid in my living room with a cross embedded in it, that we gather around an worship....
BD said:
I recognize that Darth. But they put SOOOO much emphasis on the origins of EVERYTHING else. But they ask everyone to ignore their own. I want to know why that is.
I think that is part of Mad's problems with the controlling arm of the JW's. The hypocrisy of it all.
Cheap shots; we all know the beginning history; you focus on the mistakes, we focus on the truths the spirit started helping us see.
But then, you've thrown truth out the window...