Do you ENJOY these endless theism/atheism - faith/reason - creation/evolution debates?

by nicolaou 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nicolaou

    I do. Sure I get frustrated when I have to explain for the bajillionth time just why atheism is not a belief or why it is possible to know some things with 100% certainty but despite all the exasperations I STILL count it as one of the rewards of freeing my mind and exiting the WT that I can argue so endlessly and freely.

    Even if some of you do get on my tits sometimes


  • snowbird

    No, I don't.

    Still, I believe.


  • nicolaou

    Sylvia, could it be that you don't enjoy the debates because the new information you are absorbing is causing cognitive dissonance. Are you really so sure that you still believe?

    "Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon which refers to the discomfort felt at a discrepancy between what you already know or believe, and new information or interpretation. It therefore occurs when there is a need to accommodate new ideas, and it may be necessary for it to develop so that we become "open" to them".

    http://www. learningandteaching. info/learning/dissonance. htm

  • unshackled

    Evolution is a fact and it explains the diversity of life on this planet. But it shouldn't be confused that evolution answers whether there is intelligent being at the root cause of it all. You can accept evolution as fact but still believe in your god. I wouldn't suggest that but there should be no debate about the fact of evolution.

    The reason there is a 'debate' is because the religions that base their theology on the bible, and the garden of eden creation story, need to cling to that in order to keep the 'business' running. The 'talking snake' religions already took their stance on the bible as fact, so when evolution and natural selection were discovered it threatened all that. They need to keep denying and lying to keep the cash flowing in.

    Hence the general lack of understanding on how evolution works and what it is about. It has been set up as evil opposition to the believer's god and faith.

    And it drives me crazy. We live in a delusional society that denies our history on this planet. Argh.

  • leavingwt

    If God is out there, he WANTS me to read those threads.

  • nicolaou
    They need to keep denying and lying to keep the cash flowing in.

    My Mum gets no cash for holding to her 'talking snake' religion. It isn't cash that motivates billions of people like her, it's faith. Faith is the problem.

  • unshackled

    Nicolaou...what I meant is the churches keep denying and lying about evolution to keep the cash flowing in. Such as the WTBS latest effort releasing the 'Origin of Life' brochure. Or the garbage Answers in Genesis and the Discovery Institute spew out.

    And is the problem that keeps people sucked in to their church. And the money flowing out of their pockets into the church/org.

  • nicolaou

    I take your point my friend and I'm sure on an institutional level cash flow is a real motivator but for the mass of believers who attend church, mosque or Kingdom Hall money has nothing to do with it.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I love the endless debates on theism/atheism. I discovered a few youtube posters' vids that really help.

    Here's the last of a series that I really enjoyed:

  • brotherdan

    I like the discussions. Now that I'm learning to respect everyones beliefs (or lack of belief) I'm learning alot. I think it's great to hear all points of view. More and more I'm finding that when you are 100% certain about your own views, you are really showing ignorance and a lack of a desire to grow in understanding.

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