Outlaw that is horrible - and I don't even like cats!
New Vocal Kingdom Songs
by brotherdan 26 Replies latest jw friends
Oh wow, I'll have to take a listen to these...The Kingdom Songs arent really known for 'soul and passion' more repetitive and boring. No bass, drums, etc. But still I'll take a listen.
It really isn't SO bad. The claim about no melody is a bit exagerated. They just sound like a religious choir. The orchestra doesn't sound so bad either. I think it's the kind of music you might here in a musical.
Wow. What to say? This is a surprise. Never saw the choir coming. I'm shocked. I have to admit that I got a little nostalgic listening to songs like Move Ahead. I mean I sang some of these for 18 years. Haven't heard them for a couple of decades but realized as I sat and thought I still knew many of the words to the older songs. Have any words changed to Move Ahead? Have to say that I really enjoyed "Va, Progresse" (Move Ahead)in French. Some nice memories. I was so clueless. I totally believed all the crap. So glad and thankful I escaped and belong to the conscious class. Still, there are a lot of memories and emotions. I can't help but feel a special affection for so many on here. And, yes, that includes dear AGBM. Oh, but NOT AIW. -LV
Outlaw - LOL
Great, now we have some party tunes to play at the next Kingdom Hall get-to-gether (that will be really frowned on)! LOL.