End of Times/Anointed/WTBTS

by MacHislopp 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    Sometime ago, the WTBTS published
    a watchtower study article,that
    pointed to :

    "…six lines of evidence proving that we are living in the last days of this ungodly world"

    (w. January 15,2000, pag. 12 §12)

    Just a page more and we could find
    this question on § 18th:

    " Evidently, what will be true of some of the anointed when the great tribulation begins, and how may this be determined?"

    Now, in the 18th paragraph we can
    read the following :

    "Sixth, the number of genuine anointed disciples of Christ is
    dwindling, though some will evidently still be on the earth
    when the great tribulation begins.
    Most of the remnant are quite elderly, and over
    The years the number of those who are truly anointed has been getting smaller. Yet, referring to the great tribulation, Jesus stated:" Unless
    those days were cut short, no flrsh would be saved;
    but on account of the chosen ones those days will
    be cut short." '(Matthew 24:21,22) Evidently, then,
    some of Christ's " chosen ones" will still be on earth when the great tribulation begins.*
    (*) The footnote mentions the parable of the sheep and the goats and the last part reads:

    " …This standard for judgment would be meaningless if at the time of judgment, all of Christ's brothers had long since left the earthly scene.-
    Matthew 25: 31-46 "(w. January 15,2000 p. 13 §18)

    Let's start with the comments:

    °Please note the frequent use of the words :
    evidence and evidently.
    Normally it's use implies that there is
    some evidence or some facts;

    ° Those "six lines of evidence " are …" proving ";

    °Notice the number of …." ge n u I n e anointed " and also the
    number of those who are …" t r u l y anointed ";
    Why the WTBS makes this remark???

    But what I do find really very, very interesting is this clear statement
    at the beginning of paragraph 18th - in italic the watchtower -

    "Sixth, the number of genuine anointed disciples of Christ is

    Is it really so?? I do mean, taking all the written records, provided for everyone, in the WTBS own pubblications? Let's take the last 50 years.

    Number of anointed - in the year 1950 - ………..22,723

    Number of anointed -in the year 2001…………. 8,730

    So far it looks ..good.

    But if we check carefully the given figures, for all the years since
    1950 we do have some …surprises!

    1) It took 14 years to arrive to almost half of that number

    i.e. …..11,292 anointed in the year 1963;

    2) Then, strangely 38 years later i.e. the year 2001, we still

    have 8,730 anointed which means that after 38 years

    we have still 77,31 % of all the anointed ones, that were

    living in 1963!

    Remember: "… Most of the remnant are quite elderly,…"

    and : " …. the number of genuine anointed disciples

    of Christ is dwindling.."

    Is it me or else….?

    3) From 9,727 "anointed remnant "in the year 1979, it took

    21 years to see the number diminishing of about 1000

    (more precisely 997 ) ….to have 8,730 " anointed remnant",

    and all this by the year 2001.

    4) Yet, from the year 1989, total of 8,734 " anointed remnant"

    we arrive 12 years later, in the year 2001 and ….we have a

    total of 8,730 " anointed remnant "!!!

    In few words, it took - before - 21 years to " diminuish "

    of almost a thousand ….and now in 12 years the number

    of " anointed remnant " has decreased of "….4 " ???

    Surely something, somehow, somewhere doesn't tick….or

    it's me again???

    Your comments are welcome,

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • openminded

    It seems as if those last 8000 are some really tough old codgers who live a long time. If you are trying to make some logical sense out of these goofy statistics, forget it. The simple fact of the matter is that the "annointed" have very little if anything to do with the WTS. Due to the fact that I am under 30 years old, I should still be around when this number actually reaches zero(barring any freak accidents or diseases). The new spin that they will be forced to come up with should be quite interesting. OM

  • AlanF

    The Society's leaders generally consider most of the 8000-some-odd "anointed" to be fakes. In practice they feel that there are really only a few hundred "truly anointed" left in the world outside of Bethel-appointed men such as a few CO's and DO's, and most of these live in the New York area.


  • Amazing

    Hi Mac: I agree with AlanF. or at least he is very close to correct. The number of those professing to be JW Anointed ocassionally increases, and most new partakers making this claim are younger in years. If this did not happen, then the rate of decrease would have been much sharper because as people age, statistically, they die off at a faster rate.

    This is why the WTS adds qualifiers like, 'Genuine" and "Truly" anointed, to distinguish from any who are incorrectly making the claim. The Society has spared no ink on the pages of the magazines over the years to suggest that JWs must be careful in thinking that they are anointed, and strongly making it clear that only older ones, long time in the Troof!, and doing extra things like Pioneering or being an Elder ... as this would validate their having Jehovah's blessing ... hence, legitimizing their claim of being anointed. The Society has highlighted that many incorrectly make the claim, and how Elders are to deal with such.

    It is 'evident' that the WTS does not consider many of today's anointed as being genuine. I was given a hard lesson in this when I traveled to an East Coast state on business. It was the memorial time, and the local Elders knew I was going to partake. Before the memorial took place, I was subjected to interrogation, and the Circuit Overseer became involved ... and eventually the Society got involved. All this because the CO made the comment that he was told by a GB member that the Society thinks that 98% of all anointed are now in heaven ... circa 1985. Well ...

    The CO took this GB comment literally, and multiplied 144,000 by 2% and arrived at 2,880 anointed remaining on earth in 1985. He started telling JWs that about 6,000 or so are "FALSE" anointed! And, because I was in my 30s at the time, albeit an Elder, I was viewed with great suspecion. But, the WTS for some odd reason backed me up, and told the CO to suck rocks (my interrpretation - they were actually more concerned with which GB member told him about the 98% idea. But they also told the CO to back off and not make trouble for me). And so, I happily partook at the 1985 memorial. Yikes!

    Anyway ... it seems like yesterday, and yet a lifetime ago. But, I have no doubt that the GB and the Top Dogs at WTS, Inc. view the majority of today's JW Anointed as not real, true-blue anointed.

  • bluesapphire

    That's interesting Alan that they believe only a few COs and DOs in New York are anointed. Why don't they publish this little bit of trivia?

    How sad for those poor old geezers in different halls who are partaking year after year believing to be of the anointed. No wonder nobody does anything for these "least of Christ's brothers" when they all consider them to be crazy fakes.

    I can't wait to see the new spin which needs to come in the VERY near future for obvious reasons.

  • BluesBrother

    The expession "Genuine Annointed" is a noticeable cover up for bad maths.

    They cannot turn to people and say "No"to their claim , but they let it run on the grapevine that many in "New territories", ex Catholic or Orthodox have clung to their heavenly hopes, and are in for disappointment.

    In fact if H/Spirit did direct it, it would not happen would it?

  • Pureheart

    Hi Mac,

    According to the WT 1992

    Today the remnant of spiritual Israel on earth must go on decreasing. Finally, after the demise of Babylon the Great, all 144,000 ‘sealed ones’ will be in heaven for the marriage of the Lamb. But now the other sheep must go on increasing. The fact that some of them are now being assigned weighty responsibilities under the oversight of the anointed remnant does not cause them to be presumptuous or feel self-important. This gives us confidence that as God’s people “come out of the great tribulation,” there will be experienced men—“princes”—prepared to take the lead among the other sheep.—

    Let me know if more “light” has shone on this statement since 1992.


  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    thanks for the comments...quite

    interesting. I'll come backon them.

    Pureheart: I'll keep you informed on the latest...

    viewpoint. Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • AlanF

    Bluesapphire, I think I was unclear. I meant that they consider that there are only a few hundred "anointed" left in the world, and that most of these live in the New York area. Outside that area, most of the ones they consider "anointed" have specific appointments of responsibility, such as CO or DO.

    As for publishing this, the Society would obviously be stepping on its doctrine that "only the anointed know for sure" whether they're anointed. So they hold one internal belief while giving lip service to their published doctrine. From their point of view this is wise, given that they feel that most of those who think they're "anointed" tend to be slightly off, or even out and out nutjobs.


  • plmkrzy

    Since when has there been an age limit for being annointed anyway?
    What scriptures specifically state the acceptable age and qualifications and what part of the globe a "really" "Truly"" genuine"annointed person would be living.
    This is SOOoo incredible!! Actually I don't even think they're suppose to be COUNTING AT ALL!
    They are still attempting to DATE A-DAY
    I think i'll write them a letter and tell them to just keep it to them selves!
    For all we know there could only be 40 or 50 annointed in heaven right now. I think keeping a record of annointed people must be some kind of a sin somewhere.
    Blah Blah Blah Blah

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