Are you led by logic or emotion?

by compound complex 49 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mrsjones5

    I would like to think that I am emotionally logical but alas that is not always the case.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    that is a strange question.

    Things that happen around me are bound up with a combination of logic and emotion. For example we were out to eat and we saw a little boy with his tiny bulldog pup along side the busy highway. He was allowing his pup to pee but the logic in me thought be careful your little dog could run for the road and than you would chase after her. I was afraid for both of them was it emotion or was my discerning the danger logic?

    I'm not sure where the separation is to me they seem to work in tandem.

  • frigginconfused

    Logic tempered wiith love.

    Tempering relieves the stresses in the metal. That slight softness built into the metal actually makes it stronger and more durable. Thus is the power of love. God IS love.

  • snowbird

    Both, but they dovetail at times.


  • tec

    Friggin - that was a beautiful analogy :)

  • Terry

    It all begins with your VALUES.

    You either accept passively the values of others (good/bad/indifferent) by not questioning and testing them


    You sift, weigh, question and approve what you allow into your heirarchy of beliefs and practices.

    Next, you always act in accord with what you VALUE and your behavior reveals what those values are.


    If your values are practical, profitably chosen and in accord with reality the results of your actions will bring you success and confidence.


    If your values were passively absorbed folk-wisdom, superstition, urban myth, illogical and emotionally driven......your actions will identify that default set of values by the failure you will experience in your personal life.

    EMOTIONS are physical indicators of your VALUES.

    If your Values are good your emotions follow.

    Example: You think all snakes are poisonous and horrifying. (This is your core VALUE)

    One day at sunset you step out the back door and see (what you think is a ) snake! (It is actually a water hose).

    What EMOTION will you display? You'll feel a rush of terror! Even though it is just a water hose!

    Why? Your core value tells your body you are in mortal danger.

    If you had taken the trouble to learn which snakes are poisonous and how likely/unlikely it is for one to be in your backyard--a much less severe REACTIONARY EMOTION would prevail.

    You might be startled without being terrified.


    You've left room for logical analysis!

    If you are raised to fear people of another color or to view them as inferior or dangerous, then, your reaction (EMOTION) will follow that VALUE.

    Passive acceptance without testing and investigation leaves you vulnerable to INAPROPRIATE EMOTIONS.

    Everybody's life is led by EMOTIONS. The question becomes---NOT---either/or---logic OR emotion...


    See the difference?

  • tec

    Terry -

    That was a good post.


  • frigginconfused


  • flipper

    CoCo- I am led by logic and emotion and I try my best to find a balance between the two. I feel both of those attributes are needed in equal measure in order to make balanced stable decisions. A person can be tipped too much into his or her logic, leaving ANY emotion out of their reasoning - or - a person can be tipped too much into his or her emotions , leaving ANY logic out of their reasoning. I think both are needed in life

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings and thanks, latest posters!

    I appreciate your responses, having read them all. I wish I could reply to them but am incapable of doing so - one in particular.

    Nonetheless, I am grateful for your readiness to share thoughts and feelings I didn't realize were on the map of the human psyche ...



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