Do You Know God Has a Name?

by cameo-d 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d

    It's right in front of you----literally.

    It has always been with you.

    It's HU. HU-man.

    No matter how much DNA we have in common with animals, it is the divine breath that raises our conscience to be distinct from the animal.


    is not only the most sacred of all sounds but is also the beginning and end of all sounds, be they from man, bird, beast or thing.

    In different languages the Supreme Being (the name of the Nameless) is known as Hu by the mystics.

    The word Hu is the spirit of all sounds and of all words and is hidden within them all, as is the spirit in the body. This alone is the true name of God. Every activity of life expresses this very sound. The mystery of Hu is revealed to the Sufi who journeys through the path of initiation.

    It is said in the old traditions that Zoroaster was born of a Huma tree.

    Hu represents spirit. Mah in Arabic means water.

    In English the word ‘human’ - Hu means God. Man (Mana in Sanskrit) means mind.

    Human therefore means god-conscious, god-realized or god-man.

    Ahura Mazda is the name of God known to the Zoroastrians.Ahura suggests Hu.

    Huwal suggests the idea of omnipresence.

    Jehovah, originally Yahuva. Hu stands for God. A represents manifestation. content/about-sound-2

  • cameo-d

    Well, looks like I hit a sore spot with this title.

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    So man IS God unto himself?

  • cameo-d

    Sam Whiskey: "So man IS God unto himself?"

    No. Having an eternal spirit in a fleshly body so we can experience this material world is our essence. The "eternal spirit" is our God-part. We are just manifested here for a duration.

  • PSacramento

    Indeed, the ultimate goal of Humanity is to be "like God" in quality and essence, if not in "person" of course.

    Jesus said as much:

    The kingdom of God is in you....your body is the the ressurection we will be "like the angels"...

    It's about the transformation of what we are into what we have potential to be, the very potential Jesus showed his followers after his ressurection.

  • ProdigalSon

    In the original Hebrew of Genesis 4:1, Eve simply said, "I have gotten a man Jehovah." The words "with" or "from" or "with the aid of" (NWT) was added in later.

    Cameo is right on just about everything.... listen to her


  • JWoods


  • snowbird



  • cameo-d

    Prodigal son: "Cameo is right on just about everything.... listen to her


    I don't know when I have laughed so hard! No body has EVER accused me of that before! Being "right about everything" is a hellofalot to live up to!

    Still laughing hard. And taking a screen shot to frame!!!!

  • PSacramento
    In the original Hebrew of Genesis 4:1, Eve simply said, "I have gotten a man Jehovah." The words "with" or "from" or "with the aid of" (NWT) was added in later.

    Are you saying that the hebrew word "eth/ath" was added on? because every interlinear I have seen has it there.

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