I had started studying with jw because I was curious about the religion because my bf then(now husband) was a witness. I am a very open minded person and really had I known what I know now I prob would not have been baptized. I always had my doubts but I really enjoyed the positive aspects that I was learning at the meetings...I studied with my mom in law.I prob shouldn't have done that because she has taken it very personal that we have stopped and even had the nerve to say I started studying to get in good with the fam!! Its funny cause we ddnt do a fade we just stopped! I'm a grown woman and I only answer to my husband and to jehovah that's it!in the beginning when I was getting a lot of pressure from MIL i was starting to get really confused, depressed and very uneasy but .with my husbands support I got thru it. So I can just imagine the psychological affect that those who grew up as jws get when they leave. Smh I remember the last time I went to the hall one of the elders came up to me and said that I owed him time...didn't say hi how are u. At that point I knew I wasn't going back. If jehova knows all why do I have to keep a log of my time. We have had a few elders call on us but they no better then to pry and get in our business. My hubby had doubts about jw even though its all he knew! And we are already feeling the shunning from fam and jw so called friends. Soooo here I am. I love this site its a support group for all of us that have been affected by the controlling aspects of this religion.
hi i am new here
by dawntodaylight 41 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome, DTL! Thanks for sharing your story. Glad to hear both you and your husband got out together! Best wishes to both of you.
Welcome dawntodaylight!!! You're in for a wild ride on this board. I'm still learning things about this organization and I was born into it and baptized since I was 12 years old! There are alot of different perspectives and personalities that you can learn from here too. Pretty much everyone has a difference of opinion. Yet, that's something that makes the site so good. We weren't allowed to disagree with each other as JWs. But here, we can agree, disagree, or agree to disagree. It's been a huge learning experience for me.
Have you read "Crises of Conscience" or "Captives of a Concept" yet? I recommend that you read these as soon as possible. They give some really good insights into the inner working of the organization and how witnesses are taught to "think". Another MUST READ is Stephen Hasaans book "Combatting Cult Mind Control". While this book is not specifically about witnesses, it shows the techniques that religious leader use to control your thinking and actions. If you are unable to locate any of these for purchase, I'd be happy to email them to you.
Anyway, welcome, and feel free to talk to any of us here on the board!!!
Trust your instincts.
Don't let anyone pressure you.
Welcome - I agree that you were so lucky to be getting out along with your husband.
So many have to do it all by themselves.
I quit!
Welcome! I'm glad you and your husband busted out.
Hi and Welcome, good for you.
Thanks for the LOvE!!!!! I will try to get a copy of crisis of conscience and captives of concept. Who are the authors brotherdan?