hi i am new here

by dawntodaylight 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • brotherdan

    Crises of Conscience - Ray Franz

    Captives of a Concept - Don Cameron

    Like I said, I can email them right away if you want the pdf versions of them. But they are fairly inexpensive online for the hard copies.

  • sabastious
    I always had my doubts but I really enjoyed the positive aspects that I was learning at the meetings...

    ^ The thing is, the 'positive' stuff you hear at the meetings is there to sugar-coat the darkness in the center. It is there to help you not think about the billions of people that are going to murdered in Armageddon that is 'just around the corner.'

    Don't be fooled by the smiling faces, this is what they are all frothing at the mouth while they wait for it:


    Welcome to the forum! This is an awesome place.


  • Hadit

    Welcome dawntodaylight! Thanks for sharing your story. I'm very happy that both you and your husband are out together. This is a great place to sort things out, get support and start the healing.

    The books brotherdan recommended are great.

    I wish and your husband all the very best!


  • brotherdan

    PERFECT video, Sab! That talk is so shocking and disgusting in it's implications. The worst part is when he talks about the dead bodies and body parts being strewed all along the ground. They won't be buried and we won't be bothered by this mass murder. We will react as we do when a serial killer is executed. I wonder...does that include the babies and children who's body parts are "strewn along the ground?"The worst is, he says we will feel an inner satisfaction!!! How sick is this guy?!? I'm gonna look at a dead 3 year old and feel a sense of satisfaction? A sense of TRIUMPH?!? My own indignation will be satisfied?!? Wha?!?!?!?

    He then goes on the talk about how happy we'll be that the gays are gone. And the lesbians (notice the angry spite when he says the word?) "And your going to feel SORRY for these people?!? Naw!" I can just picture his dirty little smile when he says this.

    I hope to NEVER feel a sense of satisfaction when someone dies. Even when someone is executed I feel like it was a waste of human life. Not that I feel they SHOULDN'T have been executed. But do I feel a sense of satisfaction?!? NEVER! He is sick! And he has the audience eating out of the palm of his dirty hands.

  • nelly136

    nice to meet you

  • sabastious

    See, the guy never mentions babies or anyone innocent. According to him the body parts strewn along the ground are going to all be from drug lords, serial killers and the gays and lesbians...

    He is sick, but I would refer to him as delusional before I referred to him as sick. He actually isn't even putting the dots together. I would be willing to wager that babies and children didn't even enter his mind when he was saying those things. It makes me wonder if he was just subconsciously describing WT Armageddon art implanted in his memory as a child.


  • sabastious

    Just to make sure, I am not against gays or lesbians. Just read my last two posts and people might get that idea.


  • brotherdan

    He doesn't mention them, but the WT says that they will be among the ones killed. So he is implying them too. According to him there is no one innocent EXCEPT for JWs.

  • Gayle

    so wonderful you're out together,,it is normal to try to do what you can for your inlaws in building a relationship with your husband. But losing your personal free mind and your personal conscience is not one of them. Even though on one hand they fear for their grown child's life because of Armageddon tactic, I think, they also want you with them because misery loves company.

    You and your husband have outgrown them. They have a spiritual disability and are captives to their religion.

  • sabastious

    Indeed, but I bet he doesn't even make that mental connection. Anyway, lets get back to topic.

    again, WELCOME dawntodaylight!


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