Crap my District Overseer says

by easyreader1970 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • easyreader1970

    I attented the two-day circuit assembly this past weekend. Here are some things that came from the mouth of the district overseer over the course of the two days.

    1. The recession isn't going to end. Things are screwed because the demons are controlling the world. Because of this demonic control, worldwide economics are going to get worse before "the end" comes.

    Why it doesn't make sense: If the "demons" are really trying to keep people away from the "truth", then wouldn't they be doing their best to keep people happy instead of making the miserable and more likely to seek out "God"? Additionally, there have been recessions in the past. What makes them so sure that this one is the last one? Why isn't the world going to end five recessions from now?

    2. Vampires are evil and demonic. The main reason is not because of their consumption of blood, which you would think is the big no-no. But the real problem here is that they are immortal! Immortal fictional characters are of Satan!

    Why it doesn't make sense: So you're telling me that fictional writers can't make stories that have immortal characters in them. If they do, they are automatically demonic? Good lord, they are really reaching now.

    3. Sports are controlled by the demons and there will be no sports in the "new system". If you spend your time now watching and rooting for a team that will ultimately be destroyed by God, you're wasting your time.

    Why it doesn't make sense: I will say that this assembly was very anti-recreation, just as the district convention was very anti-science. The general impression I got was that the only recreation Witnesses could safely engage in is hiking. I will also add that a Christian family was shown to be sitting around playing Uno. Wait - isn't Uno devised by Satan and ultimately to be destroyed??

  • miseryloveselders

    I've been waiting for post 2 day Assembly verdicts. And it begins. So JWs are a little too much into those EMO Vampire flicks and their hometown sport teams. I'm looking forward to the Assembly now.

  • simon17

    I will also add that a Christian family was shown to be sitting around playing Uno

    Its ok as long as everyone playing is not rooting for themselves to win. How fun.

  • thenoblelodge

    Things won't be going badly when the tribulation hits, it will in fact be going very well. Doesn't it say they will be claiming 'Peace and Security.

    You can see them all rushing into the New System can't you. lol

    Can't believe they said sports are controlled by demons.

  • miseryloveselders

    Can't believe they said sports are controlled by demons.

    After watching Vince Young get DDTd yesterday by three linebackers it does sorta make you wonder.

  • rocketman

    This District Overseer sounds just like one of the C.O.'s we had in our area back when I was active. He too saw demons everywhere and folly in doing anything else that was not jw related.

  • easyreader1970

    There are a few other things that were even more ridiculous that came from the stage, but I don't have my notes with me right now (taking notes is the only way I can manage to stay awake), and I think my brain refused to remember them because the logic made my brain tissue swell and bleed.

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    Since everything is controlled by the demons, we can't do anything at all.

    Since we can't seem to be able to control ourselves, we can't have large gatherings.

    Since we are all a bunch of alcoholics, when we get together in small groups, as instructed, we can't have a glass of wine, or a beer.

    Since we are a bunch of sex crazed maniacs, we cannot be alone with the opposite sex, not even for a second.

    Judge Dread


    Vampires and Sports are a very big Demonic Threat..

    If you don`t have a Brain..

    The dumber you are,the higher you climb in the WBT$..

    The WBT$ only accepts only the Stupidest People,for the Highest Positions..

    They are the Cream of Stupid..

    This is a Jehovah`s Witness boy..

    Who escaped from a Jehovah`s Witness Assembly..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I went to one within the past month and while those things weren't mentioned although nationalistic sports were (hey the US sucked in the World Cup but I guess some of the Bethel boys must have gotten into it), we did get some tidbits including:

    1 - Not 1 but 2 specific mentions regarding purchasing HD TVs. Both in demos and while not saying you couldn't have one, the were ridiculed and called materialistic. Audience reaction - rollling eyes and jokes afterwards.

    2 - An insane demo on wearing suits when eating out after a DC. Elder counsels a younger guy (inferred that he was a MS) about wearing shorts and a polo shirt to go to dinner after the DC. This dork was wearing his badge, BUT no, not good enough. The young man goes back to his room to change into his convention outfit before going to dinner. Audience reaction (based on some joking conversations afterwards I had with some elders/ms, rolling and head shaking.

    Oh and the usual end is coming, do more stuff that you've come to expect. A whole half hour on why pioneering is such a protection.

    Seriously, WTS! Don't you have enough issues to address beyond this crap?

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