Demons and the WTS

by brotherdan 200 Replies latest jw experiences

  • brotherdan

    I remember growing up and hearing all sorts of stories about demonic activity from people. Some would be experiences that people had going door to door and visiting a "witch" or "warlock". Some would inadvertently go to a fortune tellers door and have a demonic experience.

    I was always facinated by all the stories. But my parents would always say, "Don't show too much interest, because the demons note this and they will see that you are interested in them.But I remember reading MANY WT and Awake articles that recounted numerous demonic experiences. Some were VERY out there and nearly unbelievable.

    I never experienced anything CLOSE to having a demon or ghost experience. In fact, very young I came to the conclusion that they were either fake or they were the results of mental sickness.

    What is everyone's opinion here? Has anyone here had a true authentic demon (or ghostly) experience? Do you think that they are mainly due to mental illness? Do you think they exist? Do you think that if they DO exist that they can effect us in modern times?

  • notverylikely

    They don't.

  • Soldier77

    If they exist, I'd like to ask them to tell me the truth about what REALLY happened back in the day... you know, around when they rebelled. The truth coming from a demon is still the truth right?

  • leavingwt

    Carl Sagan was kind enough to write the book on this topic:

    I've never personally experienced anything that leads me to conclude that invisible persons are real. I've also observed that some of us are more "superstitious" than others. I cannot explain this, I've just observed it.

  • brotherdan

    What kind of person makes up stories like these? I mean some of them DO seem to have similarities. The whole Oujia board phenomenon is interesting in this regard.

  • undercover

    I remember when we were counseled on not showing too much fear becaue they (those pesky demons) could read that and prey on it.

    Which raises the question - can they read minds?

    The answer I got: No, but they see what we talk about and hear our fears in our words and actions.

    One elder told me, and I shit you not, that demons couldn't read minds.... except... when you're in a semi-conscience state, sorta between being asleep and awake. At that point, your mind is open to them. Never saw that in print anywhere but he spoke authoritatively on the subject as his wife claimed to have demon problems.

    And here's the really sad, stupid thing... I actually believed him. I had had a couple cases of night terrors and after hearing him tell me that, I fully thought my experiences were the demons trying to attack me in my semi-sleepiness.

    What a fucking idiot I was. But I got over it. Like children in their belief in Santa and the tooth fairy, I eventually figured out that they weren't real.


    Jehovah`s Witness`s are an extremely superstitious group..

    Demons hide every where..

    Satan runs everthing from McDonalds to Car Washs..

    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • brotherdan

    That's an interesting point, Undercover. I too heard the "semi conscious" thing too. I was told that is why JWs do not go to hypnotists. Because while their mind is open, the demons can slip in and take control.

    Wow...writing that sounds so much crazier than thinking it. How screwed up we were... Has ANYONE had what they feel is an authentic demon experience?

  • notverylikely

    What kind of person makes up stories like these?

    The same kind that makes up all the other stories.

  • leavingwt
    What kind of person makes up stories like these?

    Do a brief study of the world's Top 10 religions (by membership) and then repeat your question.

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