Gentle JESUS, meek and mild . . .

by nicolaou 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ProdigalSon

    SweetBabyCheezits, believe it or not, I have a deeper appreciation for the Bible now than I ever did, after studying the various metaphysical, allegorical, gnostic, kabbalist etc. interpretations that reveal what Jesus' (and the Bible's) true message was before it was changed (literalized) and buried by the Church. They took Paul's meat and gave us milk. But Lo and behold, the Bible is in agreement with almost every spiritual teacher and philosopher who ever lived, from Homer to Socrates to Plato to Buddha to Pythagoras to Samael Aun Weor. I had spent my whole life trying to understand the Bible but it was futile. Why? It's like trying to read a book written in Chinese. How do you interpret it? Ask the Chinese! And once they do, how do you go back to not knowing and guessing?

    Jesus came here to show us the way to God WITHIN, and that we could all BE Christs in Oneness with the Father. He never said to worship him, he said to follow him. Like the Watchtower, priests are in the sin business, and it wasn't a good business opportunity for the church of Constantine if everyone knew they had their own direct pipeline to God. So what did they do? Kill all the Gnostics and "heretics", burn their books, and burn down the Library at Alexandria, where we lost millions of volumes and probably 50,000 years worth of priceless human history. Jesus tried to bring the Christ consciousness to mankind 2,000 years ago. The Church wiped it out. They alone are single-handedly responsible for the Dark Piscean Age and all of its murders in the name of Christ.


  • tec

    ProdigalSon - thought inspiring posts. Thank you.


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle


    I am genuinely sorry to hear that.

    It has happened to many here.

    Not cool.

    I hope you are finding other things to bring you comfort.

    The Oracle

  • ProdigalSon

    tec and meetingjunkie, thak you so much for the encouragement!

    All of our history and destiny, including much of the Bible and its esoteric knlowledge, is written in the sun, moon and stars. That's where all the ancients like the Mayans, Incas and Hopi's got much of their insight. Isn't it interesting, how Bible believers are forbidden from discovering its true meaning by the book itself, which condemns anything "occult" or "mystical" or anything to do with astrology.

    "And God went on to say, 'Let luminaries come to be in the expanse of the heavens to make a division between the day and the night, and they must serve as signs ......" -Gen. 1:14

    According to Josephus, the Zodiac was inlaid in the tile of the Temple floor. That just about says it all.



    As shown below the occult is often misunderstood. Any belief in a supernatural being is occult Deleted dictionary definition due to p roblem with formatting but you can google Occult for yourselves

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