I only ever told the truth. All I wanted from the JW world for my abuse was "hey, we talked to him, he's repentant and says he won't do it again." Does that happen? NO!!! "It's been dealt with" "It's in Jehovah's hands" are the only thing you are told. As a victim, you love Jehovah's organization, you trust it to do the right thing...but, NO, it doesn't. The next thing you see is your abuser walking around the assemblies with his attendant badge on. Jehovah's holy spit at work. You feel abandoned by Jehovah...and then you come to the realization it's a farce! You know you told the truth, but they're trying to make you feel CRAZY by their non action.
My ex-father-in-law had a baby with his daughter. The abuse went on from the time she was 4 until 17 when the baby emerged. By ex-sister-in-law is still a crazy JW who's never reported her father to the authorities like she should have! She's trusted in Jehovahs holy spit....but looks like a cult member. Her own non-jw family want to get this man arrested for what he did. BUT what was he when I met his son - an ELDER!!!!. The product of the incest was 15, daughter and daughter (GRAND) were still living under the same roof...and voila f'n pedophile is an ELDER!!! I kept my 4 girls away from that retard, thankfully having my ex-husband's blessing. The only time my kids got to see his parents was when my stupid JW mom took them to see them!
Such a f'n stupid excuse as a religion....
Oh...and then there was the case of a son of a JW who raped working women along King George Blvd in Surrey, BC. My mom actually advocated to get this ass*** out of jail, because he was studying to become a JW. His mom was a JW and a friend of hers.