When will the crashing and burning of this organization begin?

by easyreader1970 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover
    ...there is going to be a change for the worse I predict, more rules, more regulations, more things one CAN'T do, it's a lockdown and a "sifting' work. That's what they'll tell people though.

    It does seem as though they are circling the wagons...and that's what I fear, that they'll isolate themselves even more from mainstream society. The immediate fallout will be a "sifting", of people chafing under the restraints and then throwing them off and leaving. Once they've cleared out the ingrates, they can really clamp down on the faithful that remained.

    I worry because those of us with family still in may soon find that their JW family have to make a choice. It's obvious that adherence to the counsel to shun and to avoid those that don't stay close to the bOrg is practiced by a minority. As many here can attest to, many a JW family continue to associate with their DF/DAd family, their inactive family, their "apostate" family. If/when this lockdown were to happen, those JWs may have to finally take a stand between family or religion. If they have stayed with the bOrg to this point, odds are they are going to choose the WTS over their family.

    Even in this new, Bigger Brother version, the WTS will continue to exist and evolve. It may not be the WTS we grew up with or were a part of, but it will exist...

  • leavingwt

    They lost a significant percentage of their members in the post-75 era, only to bounce back, stronger than ever. WT is the turd that won't flush. Truly, God is with them.

  • cyberjesus

    wishful thinking. this cult will stay for another 100 years at least. Religion another 1000.

  • elderelite

    I agree with what has been stated. This thing WILL NOT crash and burn. EVER. the only way a cult dies is to kill itself, ala jones town. thankfully the JW's arent quite that bad, unless you need a transfusion. They will go along and grow, however slowly, because many people need the "certainty" that the org provids. PT barnum said it best

    "there's a sucker born every minute"

  • Quirky1

    As much as I'd like to see them close the doors I don't see it happening. I think they will be standing for a long, long time. If you think some scandal is going to bring them down you're wrong. If a scandal is unable to bring down the Vatican then it isn't going to bring down the borg. It is like any other religion, it will have it's hiccups but they will sweep it under the rug and cover it over.

    Not all the R & F are like some of us here where a light bulb comes on and we can see the flaws of their teachings. They prefer to keep the light dim and believe what the FDS tells them. Some NEED to have direction n their life.

    We are the lucky few.

  • miseryloveselders

    There does appear to be a sifting work. They've really upped the ante on reminding you that they're the Faithful and Discreet Slave. Its beyond offensive how much they mention that now. At the same time , the WT recognizes the need to downsize in light of this economy. They also recognize the need to downsize in light of increasing apathy of what used to be potential recruits. Then there's the increasing subtle thumbing of the nose by many JWs towards their leader's directives. Another poster mentioned in another thread about Ray Franz speaking about the WT leaders feeling threatened by JWs watching TV as opposed to being the chief reason for the WT's investment in all their property and machinery. Not to mention supporting the WT heavies lifestyles that they've grown accustomed to. The downsizing may very well be a reaction to what was previously mentioned. So they're downsizing and in turn digging in for the long haul for what the percieve will be limited resources and support from their limited number of drones. I'd love to see this organization disappear, or even better I'd love to see them recognize the potential for good that they're capable of. I'd love to see them reorganize themselves, lay off of being so iron fisted.

  • LostGeneration

    This is a good video on the Worldwide Church of God which was as wacky as the WT. It is quite long but most here will really relate to how that church used to be run. Basically it was from the top down, with Herbert Armstrong running the show. Until he died and the subsequent leaders decided to reform the church, nothing changed. The GB is different in that they run the show by committee. If one or two step out of line, they are simply ousted like what happened to Ray. There is no real reason for them to change in a drastic way, and the committee setup almost insures they bleed a slow death. That is why the WT wont crumble over a short period of time, because the leadership controls the rank and file and unless the leaders change the sheep simply follow. Yes the thinkers and the dissatisfied leave, but they don't care about that.


  • Gayle

    The hub, heart and soul to the WTS has been the door to door work. It was needed to get new converts, new blood. Baptism reports lately express most are JW children but that won't be enough with the rate that they leave eventually. A cult needs new blood to grow or at least a slow death at least happens. The spirit of the door to door has dramatically changed, it in itself is dying. The business world knows that clearly, it's just not seriously done any more. Publishers do a hit and run dropping little tracts, but that's not very substantial at getting to the people. Door to door way of contact is outdated. Fewer people trust people coming to the door.

    As a grandma now, I must humbly agree that young people are smarter now-a-days. They are not experienced but they know how and do get to the knowledge of things quickly and so easily via awesome Internet. It so natural and convenient to be a pretty good reseacher now-a-days.

    Through our Meetup.com site, I have had a few contact me, they were almost considering studying or baptism. One had a boyfriend, one had a long-time inactive husband and one studied for two years. After meeting with each them for coffee at Starbucks or Denny's, within a couple hours, they were convinced there was no way it could be some sort of "truth." So these people are smarter because many are just more researchers, because of availability through the Internet.

    So, I think the new growth of converts is slowing quite quickly and not looking promising. After JWs are JWs for a couple decades, they are rightfully, understandably tired, physically, emotionally and spiritually and their youth and/or grandchildren see and can face that reality, the youth just aren't drawn to their reality.

    I don't know about a "crash" but I am intrigued and fascinated by the "slow burning" that the organization is bringing on itself.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    It's only a matter of time.

    But it will take time.

    I agree with most of what you say. I kind of think they will continue to try and "normalize" the religion....as much as it can be "normalized".

    They have already made great strides in this area over the recent years by abandoning certain teachings and policies like;

    1) each creative day is 7,000 years long

    2) you can't take blood or any fractions of blood whatsoever

    3) you have to spend 60 hours to aux pioneer and 90 hours to regular pioneer

    4) you have to go to five meetings a week

    5) the public talk has to be 45 minutes long, followed by a one hour WT study

    5) the end at the great battle of Armageddon will come within the generation that eye witnesses the beginning of the last days in 1914

    6) if you take an organ transplant you are guilty of cannibalism

    These were all policies and teachings that made JWs look particularly crazy. By taking these extreme teachings and policies away, they are becoming more and more like a mainstream Christian religion which still has some form of acceptance in our society - although that continues to diminish as well.

    The Oracle

  • metatron

    Guys, guys, guys!

    Here's the critical point: the organization is based on a business model that doesn't work anymore. Once you understand that, you comprehend why the Governing Body themselves are going to tear the organization down, piece by piece.

    The Watchtower Organization isn't going to crash and burn - just like the end of Communism, the leadership will break it down - and for the same reasons!

    To understand this, put yourself in their position. They have expanded and made $ over parts of 3 centuries by printing their nonsense and distributing it for free and getting donations in return. That doesn't work anymore. The donations are lean and the distribution is mostly ineffective. They print hundreds of millions of magazines per year most of which end up in landfills.

    To make matters even worse, they have gotten hit with a tidal wave of financial liability because nations are rejecting their protests that their workers are "volunteers" instead of employees. But wait, that's not all, folks! They also have drifted into potential legal liability because their 'deep pocket' chain of command authority makes them vunerable, just like the Catholic Church, except that they DON'T HAVE CATHOLIC LEVEL ASSETS!

    Put it all together and what have you got?

    Laidoff Bethelites

    Selling off property everywhere

    Shutting down Branch Offices

    Selling off Assembly Halls

    And then agonize over what to do about Circuit Overseers AND a "preaching work" that simply DRAINS money.

    In the end, they get stuck with a huge international organization filled with endless problems that is simply dead weight. A massive, unprofitable burden. A lump composed of passive-aggressive publishers who won't listen or obey, no matter how you nag them.

    The world was stunned when the Soviet Union simply left eastern Europe. Don't be surprized if the Watchtower is forced to do things that are similar.


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