Kind of like the Douay and King James versions.
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures...
by Joliette 109 Replies latest watchtower bible
The translation of Colossians 2:9 is not particularly good, but John 1:1; 8:58 and Colossians 1:16-17 are actually quite fine. John 1:1 corresponds to Philo's notion of the Logos as deuteros theos, while are a number of grammatical considerations substantiate the translation. I'm uncertain the NWT Translation Committee recognized those things at the time, but they went in the right direction by what was at least dumb luck. 8:58 is quite good as evident in the footnote of the 1970 edition of the NASB and Kenneth McKay's work on the subject (in addition to other grammatical considerations). Colossians 1:16-17 is demonstrably accurate as a reflection of Jewish Wisdom speculation, Wisdom having been "created before all [other] things" (Sirach 1:4).
Such complete ignorance.
Regardless of wether or not its translators met to your standards....SOMEHOW they produced the most accurate and honest of ALL Bible translations.
So I could care less if grade-schoolers produced it.
Go ahead and back in your hypocrasy, and use all the translations translating a key word several different times to give the impression of church dogmas (sheol, hades, nephesh,, ect), that put CAPS (no upper & lower case in Hebrew & Greek) to mislead, that include spurious verses, and of course, DELETE God's Name in over 6,500 times...
Ready for church? Whip out your tithes!
SOMEHOW they produced the most accurate and honest of ALL Bible translations.
You should write a post describing why this is true...
Wait you don't give a flying rats ass about facts, you just like to call people out in their ignorance.
Sab, get back to your cheese...
The next time you want to yell "ig'nint" at someone, use some facts to support your claim.
BTW- Where is a SINGLE "fact" about an error in the NWT?
Nope, you made the claim, now you supply the proof. It's not that hard, is it? Or maybe you just can't Madjw?
That's right, I'm calling you out now. We're waiting. Tick, tock, tick, tock....
I Just DID, MJ- why the pretense?
Do I need to break it down into one-syllable words?
LOL, you didn't do anything, you just made a claim and provided nothing to back it up.
Can't do it, huh?
Got to resort to your tired game of putdowns, huh?
Not fooling anyone MJ.
Little man.