I composed this as a sort of therapy, it expresses some of the feelings I have in looking back over my former life, thought I would share.
A is for Armageddon
In which we though we’d die
If we didn’t believe in
The Jehovah’s Witness lie
B is for the Boasting
On every convention stage,
By people who in preaching work
Did constantly engage
C is for Christianity
Of which we did profess
But thought all the other churches
Were filled with evilness
D is for Disfellowship
A price you soon would pay
If you were not perfect in
The Jehovah’s Witness way
E is for the Elders
Men you must respect
Even if they didn’t possess
A normal intellect
F is for the Friendship
At the Kingdom Hall
Until you made a small mistake
And by gossip you did fall.
G is for the Guilt
That was heaped upon your head
For “can’t you do a little more?”
- At least until you’re dead.
H is for the History
Of never which was said
Of “miracle wheat” and houses built
For people that were dead
I is for the Internet
Where never you must go
For then you’ll learn about the things
You weren’t supposed to know
J is for Jerusalem
And the date they lied to say
Would mean the end times and the generation
That would never pass away
K is for the Kingdom Hall
In which hours you did spend
Although is was very boring
From beginning to the end
L is for Loving fellowship
With which they sucked you in
Until the day you were baptized
And then it all did end
M is for the Ministry
Of which you did partake,
Even though you hated it
Until the donut break
N is for the Neighbors
To whom you seemed quite strange,
For even little Christmas cards
You never did exchange.
O is for the Overseer who
Came from time to time
To tell you how bad you were
And beg you for a dime
P is for the Prayer
Which you though would fix all ill
Until it really didn’t
Then you had to pray more still
Q is for the Questions
Of which you could not say
For then you’d be “apostate”
And made to go away
R is for the Relatives
Who you never more do see,
For it wouldn’t do at all
To know you went happily
S is for the Slave
So faithful and discrete
Who gave you the spiritual food
That changed with every week
T is for the Tribulation
For which we lived in fear,
For it’s so close we really knew
It had to be next year.
U is for the underline
We did in every ‘tower,
To make sure we never said
A thought that might be ours
V is for the victims
Of pedophiles and snakes,
Whose evil acts were covered up
Within the elder ranks
W is for the Watchtower
That did corrupt our minds
For if we’d kept on reading it
The truth we’d never find
X is for anXiety
That we used to feel
From trying to live a life
That never was for real
Y is for the Young ones,
Who’s innocence we took
By making them scared and fearful
From the bible stories book
Z is for the zero good
We got from all the hours
Of trying to sell the useless
Awakes and Watchtowers