I found that after proving undoubtedly to myself that the WT “religion” in particular is nothing more than pure charlatanry, I then began a methodical yet purposeful scientific/logical process of realization that ALL this world’s religions are based solely on pure falsehoods. That’s right, ALL of them!
Biologically sentient beings started believing in an ancient desert warrior god (Yaweh), and then this philosophical hippie Jesus guy apparently came on the scene and introduced a new religious movement, which, with the help of the Roman Emporer Constantine, became their new “state religion.”
Now, just as there are Greek philosophy, Roman philosophy, Egyptian philosophy, Babylonian philosophy, Hindu Indian philosophy, native Indian philosophy, etc., there is also what I call “Christian philosophy” – i.e., Jusus.
So, if one were to challenge all the other “philosophies,” then they should also challenge the prevailing “Christian philosophy” – i.e., God’s Son, Jesus Christ, supposedly coming to earth by being born of a virgin jewess, performing gratuitous “miracles,” being resurrected, and then physically ascending to heaven. No matter how you look at it, all religion in general is really nothing more than a poignant projection of the defects of character common to all us mammal primates.
If you ask me, I say that ALL religion is just infantile and self-serving horseshit!