Thus proclaims the quietly un-annointed governing class of the Watchtower and Bible Tract society, passing as TRUTH. (Watchtower July 15, 2010, page 23, paragraph 10). This paragraph about the governing body follows a description of the annointed class, a classic bait-and-switch. Only the veterans who have been keeping track will know that the current governing body is too young to have witnessed the events of 1918, and thus are not annointed.
The authors only make it worse by proclaiming that these are deep truths that were previously not understood. The article succeeded. My Witness husband is deeply confused. He asks for my help because it is too deep for him. I laugh, because the article is knee-deep in manure. I gave him a tip. If something is too confusing to be understand, it's because it doesn't make sense. Blame the professor.
The error goes deep. Witness explanations only get more confusing with the telling because they are trying to reconcile in to a cohesive whole a holy book with conflicting accounts. The Jehovah's Witnesses are a religion of the industrial age, trying to "scientifically" and literally nail down specifics where no specifics exist. Come up with one explanation to dismiss an apparent flaw (for instance, the failure of Michael to span the heavens on his chariot of lightning, blaring the trumpets of Jesus' triumphant return, on schedule) leads to new discrepancies and new explanations.
The bible is best enjoyed for it's broad strokes, spanning generations of history and thought. For instance, there is the stern warning that too much time in these "deeper things" can lead to failure in the fundamental things, like kindness to our fellow man.
I look forward to Blondie's comments on this article in the next few days, titled "The Spirit Searches Into...the Deep Things of God."
When poor hubby asked for a summary of this article, I told him I couldn't summarize bull pucky. I told him to go through the bible and highlight all the promises for the anointed ones, and remind himself they are not for him. What's left? Then I laughed.