Brother EE fancies himself an amature photographer..

by elderelite 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leolaia

    Since you're all posting astrophotography shots, here are some of mine:

    Comet Hyakutake in March 1996:

    Comet 17P/Holmes, November 2007:

    The Space Shuttle a few minutes after undocking from the International Space Station, August 2007:

    Lunar eclipse, February 2008:

    Conjunction of the planets Neptune and Jupiter, July 2009. When this happened in 1612 and 1613, Galileo observed the planet Neptune centuries before it was officially "discovered":

    Total solar eclipse, July 2009:

    The moon a few hours before the Kaguya spacecraft crashed into it, October 2009:

  • cantleave

    Awesome Pics

  • JimmyPage

    Here's a moon pic of my own:

  • The Finger
    The Finger


  • HintOfLime

    Cool, nice shots. I was trying to do just just last week with my new camera. It's a tricky thing to do well.

    I wonder if there are any afordable telescopes can can track - to remove the celestrial motion blurring.

    - Lime

  • elderelite

    ooooooooooo Leolaia I'm impressed (and a bit envious)!!!! what are/were you using?

    @hint, you really dont need a tracking telescope for basic moon shots or planets.. just a tripod and a long lense (at least 200mm). from there you can blow them up and get really nice shots. thats all I did for the moon shot above. I am interested to hear how Leolaia got her's though, but to get started a decent cammera and a tripod is a sure bet

  • Leolaia

    I used a Panasonic DMC-FZ30 at 420mm with an extra Canon TL-55 teleconverter lens (giving added zoom), on a tripod of course.

    My photo of Comet 17P/Holmes is a stacked image based on about 50 exposures, which reduced the noise, added detail, and with shorter exposures avoiding the problem of star trails.

  • elderelite

    i think i just had a sexual experiance reading your post

    ok that is a small exageration but very very nice use of equipment! any others you'd like to share? Most of mine are wildlife, i've only recently begun to do night shots

  • elderelite

    just ordered a 2x teleconverter...

  • HintOfLime

    Great shots, Leolaia.

    I love doing low-light photography, but I'll leave the skies for someone else to explore.

    - Lime

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