Brother EE fancies himself an amature photographer..

by elderelite 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    I'm not a professional but I do love taking photos. I especially love black and white. There is something about capturing a moment in time, be it the look on someones face, the stillness of a vast area, the contrast of colour.

  • JimmyPage

    Thank you. I think I really captured the Reverund's essence though I admit it took more than one try with my instamatic Kodak Colorbust 50.

  • CuriousButterfly

    Thanks for ALL of your photos I am getting inspiried to start taking my camera with me everywhere.

  • CuriousButterfly

    A question for all who posted photos, can you say if you photoshopped them or were they SOOC?

  • LouBelle

    CuriousButterfly - the only 2 I photoshopped was the stonehenge pic - added a warming tone of orange to the pic and the black and white of the wedding couple, with the flowers in colour - on the high res version of that pic, I've kept a diamante sparkle in colour and it looks so wonderful, but only if you're looking.

    I really do love dropping in a colour here and there, it takes quite a bit of time to get it perfect, the deep etching takes forever, but so very worth it. I'm thinking of putting my services out there because it can jus tlook so damn good when done right.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Never managed to post a photo before so here goes.......


  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Great work, all. I dig long exposures especially.

    I wanna play on this thread but I don't want to give my website (my name) until after our DF announcement is read. (It's not my day job but I do some side work if it pays well enough and I like the subject. :-D )

    I've taken a bit of a hiatus in the last 6 weeks but have otherwise been obsessed with digital photography over the last couple years. Moved from a Canon XSi kit to a T1i, then to a 5D Mark II and some sweet L glass, studio lighting, wireless remotes, home-built badass photo editing PC + monitor, calibration gear, etc... Of course, that doesn't mean my work is any good but I think it pretty well reflects my obsession/fascination with the hobby.

    Look forward to seeing more images from you guys!

    BTW, isn't there a pro photographer from Hawaii on this forum?

  • Soldier77

    EE, what camera are you using? What quality setting? Are your lenses able to shoot in low light? i.e. f/2.8 or lower etc? Also, just a tip, shoot in the RAW, when you go to crop your shot it won't lose pixels as it would in JPEG.

    My camera gear is as follows:

    Nikon D700

    Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8

    Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8

    Nikkor 17-35mm f/2.8 (Wide Angle)

    Nikkor 50mm f/1.4

    SB900 Flash

    I still need a few things, but gear wise I'm pretty set. I'll try to remember to post my pics when I get home.

  • Leolaia

    kurtbethel....That's a serious get-up. :) And a very nice view of the Apennine mountains and the Apollo 15 landing site. Hey, remember that thread a few years ago where I showed you my 3D photos?

    Chalam....Nice nature scene. I bet if you bump up the saturation, it will be even better.

    DocBob.....Yes I am, I'll PM you the details.

    LouBelle.....I like your creative orientation in the rope picture. Just a little thing like that can have a big impact on the photo's effect.

    St. George....Looks like a mean machine. Always nice to find an interesting subject to shoot.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Colour popped fishing boat

    Brighton West PierAll taken on Canon Powershot G9:-

    Focus Stacked Rules

    Painted Lady


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