Sexual Abuse and the Reduction in the Belief in God

by Lady Lee 65 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • caliber

    I believe that the Christian faith, or any other for that matter cannot be understood without relationships.

    Most Atheist debates come down to the morality of God not his possible existence ! Things such sexual abuse cannot help but open

    the door about love, caring and our place in the universe ! When you allow even a crack in you deeply held core values .. it opens the floodgates to so much more !

    There is no understanding of God's love or any love without relationships !!

    We learn lessons not in denying the feelings but to find the meanings underlying them

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Caliber, I don't deny the possibility of God, only the probability, based upon the evidence available right now, or lack thereof.

    I do agree with you that religion is mostly about social relationships and at least is usually a sincere attempt to civilize our more primal animal natures.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    That's also the reason I don't blame God or religion for the evil in the world. I blame our human/animal natures. I see religion as attempts on the part of more evolved people to civilize and tame those natures. Unfortunately, they usually fail, as the primal brain seems to dominate, and that's where the hypocrisy comes in and they end up often being just vehicles for more domination and control. I actually don't see it as a religion problem or an atheist problem but a human nature problem. Systems of political government tend to follow the same route. But we must start where we are and work with what we have, in the moment.

  • caliber

    thanks Cog for your extreme honesty ... I feel for the terrible journey your earlier life seemed to be on .. but you must find love in the universe

    for life to mean anything !

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    I love my son and my friends. As far as men, I think I tend to put them off with my directness and brutal honesty. I can play coy, if I want, but it was just so hard won, you know?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    There is so much to love in the universe at least in the bit I have access to. I don't think we have to believe in God to feel and express love or enjoy the beauty around us.

    Did a God create everything and wander off to do something else? I don't know.

    Is the Bible his record or man"s. As far as I can tell it was written by men who said they go tit in dreams and by tablets and from the voice of God or Christ. How true is it? I wasn't there then or over the intervening centuries to know how accurate it is or if is what people say it is.

    And I think for me that is the crux. - it a is a collection of books or writings that people claim belongs to God.

    I'm left as always needing to trust my instinct.

  • caliber
    There is so much to love in the universe at least in the bit I have access to. I don't think we have to believe in God to feel and express love or enjoy the beauty around us.'"

    Or could it rather be said this way ...

    I do not believe in God, for that implies an effort of the will – I see God everywhere!

    ~Jean Favre

    I understand the pain for some to hear that God is like your father is to you !! That is why only a loving relationship

    with God gives it proper meaning !

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    But if you look at the God of the Old Testament he is a lot like my father - killing children, allowing incest, adultery, murder, whiolesale slaughter of people who he doesn't approve of. My father never cared who he hurt. He never cared who got in his way. There is such a difference between the Christian God and the Hebrew one that I almost wonder if they are the same - how can it be?

  • caliber

    Legalistic verses grace issues ..I believe no person shall suffer permanent harm in the long scheme of things.

    humans needed .."..the what can go wrong if I follow the other road instead ? ", for reflection on .. precedence setting.

    Plus .....I don't pretend to know the full answer to your question , these are only a couple of thoughts in my head !!

    If I wait for all my questions about God to be answered... when then would I start to serve him ?

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Death seems like permanent harm to me.

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