Sexual Abuse and the Reduction in the Belief in God

by Lady Lee 65 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    CD You are summing up my thoughts perfectly. Things I have not been able to put into words. Thank you so much.

    I'm not willing to take the word of men about who or what God is. It is their opinion, their untested theory and therefore possibly wrong.

    In my life I seek to do no harm as much as possible. I find beauty in the world around me. I help others as much as I can. I try to live so that when I go to bed at night I am not plagued with guilt about mistakes I have made during the day.

    I guess I am sitting with the agnostic camp

  • caliber

    Thanks Lady Lee as I said to CD sometimes my personal convictions appear to push and prod people to my way of thinking

    I don't wish to come across that way, I respect you as a person with total freedom to belief whatever you want ! Deeply held personal feelings and beliefs cannot help but spill over into our thoughts at some point it seems. My hope is for nothing but full peace and contentment in your life !

  • Heaven

    Always ask yourself, is this action harmful to myself or others? Is it helpful? Go further and define harm, define helpful. Question even those definitions. If it can be both, then does the ends justify the means? How do we reconcile that as we will have to take responsibility? No saying my commander told me to do it, or God told me to do it, or my parent told me to do it, or my friends told me to do it. Decide and take responsibility for that. Don't give away that power to others. So few people do though, in my observation.

    This is a sign of being self aware and that you are present in the moment. CD, I have found the same as you...many people are not. It is part of "Do Unto Others" and "Love". If something does not stack up to a test of love, positiveness, creativity, growth and joy then it is suspect.

    The Bible contains contradictions. Jesus taught love and the Golden Rule but his disciples turn around and want to subject women. This is completely contradictory. It is difficult to put any credence into a Holy Book and it's faith/belief system with these kinds issues. So many questions and suspicions arose within me as I became more and more educated on the contents of the Christian Holy Bible. And one of my biggest issues was/is that it held/holds no answers to my questions.

    sometimes my personal convictions appear to push and prod people to my way of thinking

    Caliber I think this is because you have been molded by the ideals of Christianity. This has been its agenda since day 1. They were definitely out to convert people. One more of its agenda items I saw as a teen that set off warning bells within me.

  • caliber

    The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.” Muhammad Ali

    "It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that beliefs becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen"

    Bringing these two thoughts together then .. yes our thoughts and beliefs change over time , but without conviction there is great confusion of your spirit . Of how great a value is a ship without an anchor ? Without a good foothold motivational thoughts tend not to reach lofty heights !

    Though we may seek live in the present moment we are surely the sum total of our whole experience in life !

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Caliber: You never came across on this thread as "pushing" your views. So no worries.

    There is some truth in what you say about convictions and lofty heights. Jesus had some lofty ideals that I'm totally on board with as did many other spiritual leaders. If the goal is the lofty height, or transcendence of our baser human natures, then religion is only the scaffolding that allows us to build the tower. Once the tower is built, do we keep the scaffolding attached, or do we dismantle it as no longer necesssary?

    We must also be careful that if we build our scaffolding (religious system) crooked, and then follow it as a guide for the building (spirituality) itself, we may just end up with an leaning tower of Pisa. That is the way I view the entire Bible as a whole. There may be a few good materials on site, but in general, its premises are teetering badly and in danger of toppling unless constantly shored up with convoluted extrapolations.

    One can have firm moral convictions without religion. I'm very firm in my conviction about the moral test I put to human actions, including my own, which I described above. I'm also very firm in my awareness, that I personally do not "know" the stories that other people tell me about God are true.

    I have dismantled the religious scaffolding in my life and am testing whether my own internal moral foundation stands firm without it.

  • ziddina
    "That is the false dilemma in Pascal's wager. The entire argument is predicated on there only being two alternatives: not believing in God, or believing in the God of the Christians and the prevailing Christian theology of the time. When in fact, there are dozens if not hundreds of other permutations. ..."

    THOUSANDS of other permutations, as a matter of fact, if you're referring to other gods and goddesses...


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