JW's don't go church... they go to the Kingdom hall

by loosie 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • loosie

    Do you remember correcting everyone who would ask you where you go to church. The Jw reply was usually something like....we don't go to a church we go a kingdom hall. Jw's just HAVE to be different you know.

    yesterday I went to my citys museum. They had a new little corner open up regarding churches in the community. about waist high they had a angled shelf behind plexiglass with pictures of two churches on it... one of them was the citys kingdom hall. Next to it there was a laminated directory that listed all the churches in town... the kingdom hall wasn't in the directory... just a big ol picture of it behind the plexiglass.

    I so wanted to add a stickty note that read "this group is not a normal religion they are a high control cult group and should be avoided at all costs."

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I hated when JW's corrected people on this. People didn't know any better and talking about church was a good way to get on common ground with them. Of course, hardcore JW's had to counsel any JW that refered to the KH as church. To me, the JW cult seemed like nothing more than a failured experiment that a man-made Law ( JW rules & regulations) could be followed by a human organization.

    Think About It

  • Think About It
  • garyneal

    Daddy goes to church

    Mommy goes to kingo hall

    That's what my daughter tells everyone

  • loosie

    Now Gary if you could only get your little girl to say mommy goes to bingo hall... that would be great for her to say at the KH

  • mrsjones5

    No matter what the jws do folks on the outside will continue to call a kingdom hall a church.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Thought I remembered KH being a name that was coined during Rutherford's time. Did the WTS ever use the word "church" to describe their congregations before that period? Seems like I remember the WTS cult calling the congs "companies" at one time. Thought that was weird, but makes sense to me now, when you realize they are just franchises of the Mother publishing cult.

    Think About It

  • garyneal
    Now Gary if you could only get your little girl to say mommy goes to bingo hall... that would be great for her to say at the KH


  • garyneal
    No matter what the jws do folks on the outside will continue to call a kingdom hall a church.

    That's right. That's what all the outsiders who know my wife refer to it as.

  • sabastious

    Definition of the word Church

    ^ Oh man, JWs wont be caught dead being refered to as a "congregation""The company of all Christians regarded as a spiritual body"


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