What year did JWs stop taking money for magazines/books at the KH?
by asilentone 21 Replies latest jw friends
The year that Uncle Sam kicked Jimmy Swaggart's butt in court.
Like a JW told me, "Probably just a coincidence."
Denial is not a river in Egypt, no matter what your mama told you.
What year was that?
Thank you Gayle!
1990....but the real statement is that jws stopped having to pay for the literature at the KH (but were expected to donate and to submit any donations from non-jws into the contribution box) and they stopped specifically asking for a set amount or connected the donation to the publications; but rather to the "worldwide work."
That's for the US.
Other countries continued to charge a set price for literature for several more years.
Gradually they all went to the donation system - I don't recall the year, maybe around the year 2000 or so?
Interesting. I didn't know this.
It was around September 1990 in Canada; just a few months before the GST (Goods and Services Tax) was applied to almost everything.
The JWs I know still accept money for the mags. I have a friend who gets the mags. If he doesn't give them 5 dollars every time, then the next week they will tell him there weren't enough mags to go around, or the hall was short, etc etc.
They have some strong but subtle ways to say things. They will put a guilt trip on friend to pay...like mention Bethel downsize, shortage of materials, have to have mags so others can place them, you should go to hall and get your own. Blah blah. They act like they are doing such a favor to pick up a couple of extra magazines.