I dont know if this thread is going to offend anyone...but whenever I was a kid, and I thought about 'Jehovah distroying everything' I always used to think about that song 'Rock the Cabash' by the Clash, (and later Willeinum by Will Smith). Or REM-Its the end of the world as we know it? I dont know why those two songs go through my head whenever I think of the end of those world when I hear those songs lol.
What song goes through you mind when you think of the BIG A??( LOL)
by Joliette 52 Replies latest jw friends
Good thread Joliette. For some reason I'm thinking Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult. When you mentioned The Clash, I was leaning more towards London Burning being the fitting Big-A song for the UK. Now that I'm thinking about it, there's a whole bunch of songs that could fit the soundtrack for the Big A. I can picture nose in the air JWs singing I Dont Care About You by Fear as they watch fellow members of the human race get destroyed for not taking the time and listening to their poorly prepared presentations. Appetite For Destruction by NWA would be fitting when the birds start circling in the air right before they land and begin pecking on the corpses of all the apostate scum on this board.
Omg Misery you are cracking me up.
The 'BIG A' soundtrack thing you said is hilarious.
This is really sad, but when I was a little kid, that sad music from 'The hulk' used to go through my head, that sad piano music.
With everyone dead around me. What a terrible thought. I gotta find some humor in it, or else I'll be depressed.
Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-A-Lot
oh...wrong Big A
hum...Losing My Religion ? lol
No not that big A LOL...the 'other big A' lol.
Miseryloveselders: Are you from the UK?
I like that song (I melt with you) but I think something more hardcore for the actually part where Jah strikes everyone done with fire and sulfur.
Miseryloveselders: Are you from the UK?
Naw, I'm across the pond in the States. I went through a phase about a year and a half ago where I couldn't get enough punk. I've explored everything from The Clash, to GBH, UK Subs, The Exploited, Riot Squad, The Damned, Discharge, The Business, all that UK punk. I love that sound. I was dang near obsessed with it for a while. Plus I've always appreciated foreign films, particulary from the UK. Made In Britain with Tim Roth, Meantime with Tim Roth and Gary Oldman, Danny Boyle flicks like Trainspotting, and Shallow Grave. I think he did 28 Days Later too? Good zombie flick. There's just something about the UK that fascinates me, and I can't quite put my finger on it, but the UK attracts me.