Update on my JC hearing...received the expected news

by SweetBabyCheezits 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • BluesBrother

    Commiserations SweetBaby....I am still amazed that when the only people to whom you "Apostatized" were your family in private conversation, you were still cast out..A pretty mean trick on the part of your parents, I must say. At least that is how I see it.

    My wife and I have had full and frank debates over some years now. She is still a devout dub but is savvy enough not to repeat what I say to the elders. I still maintain that to fulfil the original definition of the word in the "Shepherding The Flock " book, a person would have to be "Spreading abroad" differring ideas, not holding them in private or in the family..

    It gets more Orwellian every day if "Thought Crimes" are now sought after

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Aude: For those that want to know more, have a link cited to where they can read the full memo/manifesto.

    Thanks, that's a great strategy. I'm doin it.

    BB: It gets more Orwellian every day if "Thought Crimes" are now sought after.

    Yeah, the only thing they have against my wife are her comments and questions in their presence - none of which were damning in my opinion. They are unconcerned with the fact that she kept her doubts and questions to herself. She is, without a doubt, being disfellowshipped for thought crime.

    I plan to emphasize that point in my memo.

  • recovering

    They have changed their definition of apostacy. you know longer have to discuss your views with anyone to be an apostate. They consider you an apostate if you do not believe everything that the wbts tells you to believe. orwellian huh. they are in every sense of the word the thought police

  • palmtree67

    I echo what leavingwt said:

    Please hang in there and keep your chin up. The immediate aftermath of the announcement can be an emotinoal roller coaster. Also, your first experiences with shunning can be a real bummer. With time, however, things will get better.

    This is very true.

    Also, the rumpus room crowd feels bad we got your other thread yanked.

    We were trying to diffuse the situation with humour and I guess some here don't understand our humour.


  • cyberjesus

    Yeah waiting to the last minute puts you in a place where they can say they didnt get it in time or something similar. At least talk in person with someone in the comittee before the dead line. That way you ensure they received the letter.

    Also using legal Lingo will help, a lawsuit threat will also ensure they treat your appeal letter seriously. Since the meeting was held in absentia you could try using legal resources.

    There have been some instances where they dont even make the announcement at all due to fears of legal retaliation. remember that you can sue the elders and the WT wont do anything to protect them. They are independent contractors :-) sort of speak.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    CJ: At least talk in person with someone in the comittee before the dead line. That way you ensure they received the letter.

    Good point, CJ. I'll probably tell them the day before the deadline that they should expect the letters via certified mail, having already sent them. (We have to write a letter for each of us, too.)

    Palm: Also, the rumpus room crowd feels bad we got your other thread yanked.

    What? Get outta here! No need to apologize, Palm, that was awesome! Plus it was DarkSide's thread. I expect he'll call Simon out for that now.

  • whereami

    to you Sweetbaby!!!! I was booted a little over a month ago for the same horrible crime.

    I also tried to record the 3 hour meeting with my iphone, but it didn't work. Oh well.

    Welcome to reality and freedom.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Hey, whereami! Did you find that your voice memo was unplayable?? I can help you salvage it. Long voice memo corruption is a fairly common issue with iPhones.

  • scarredforlife


    Welcome to freedom of thought. On behalf of your children I want to thank you for your exit from this cult. They will always love you for it. Even the loss of their grandmothers is not as horrible as staying in that negative, terror-filled cult. You and your wife and children will grow closer and you will never regret it.

  • GrandmaJones


    Thanks so much for the update, I joined this forum after reading your post re "help..." I'd love to read what you finally end up writing. I'm sorry that you still have people in that you have to leave, but if your wife and kids are out with you, then that's pretty good. Your parents may end up feeling really guilty, and that might make them see the light. Let's hope.

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