VB, yeah, Mom and Dad aren't taking it well. It's creating a lot of stress and turmoil for them and I really hate that. What's worse is they can't see that their religion is the SOURCE of this turmoil... instead they assign those feelings to me and my actions. For example, anytime the subject comes up, Mom tells me that they have no choice. I want to tell them how happy they can be without the chains of the WT but it's pointless. Mom's really emotional and "loves the truth." (There's a section in The God Delusion that describes this attachment perfectly.)
I had a nice dinner with them a few days ago when the Mrs went outta town for a bridal shower. We didn't discuss religion, god, or faith the whole time. That's how things could've been had we been allowed to fade. Strange that they still treat me about the same even though they're aware of the DF verdict. The power of one little announcement.... geez.
Misery, the wedding is this upcoming weekend. We will turn in our letters of appeal today, succesfully delaying the announcement until after the wedding. I'm thankful for that.
Misocup, I agree that the WTBTS's power and control are disgusting. Unfortunately, it seems that religious shunning is pretty much out of the court's juridsiction and if the org words the announcement just right ("so-and-so is no longer one of JWs"), no harm no foul. And the law can't really force members to associate with nonmembers if it's a "personal decision" for the member.
I may post my appeal letter for suggestions in a bit.