And George Whitefield.
by leavingwt 47 Replies latest social current
And George Whitefield.
Hm. I just took the quiz and scored 97%... I suspect that my reading the entire thread first, must have helped... I just wonder which question I got wrong... Must have been on the "First Awakening"...
CNN had a segment on this while I was getting ready for work this morning. The banner read something like Atheists Ace Religion Test and of course they had a panel of three plus the moderator to discuss these findings. What I found interesting was that there were no atheists or agnostics on the panel.
I also mentioned this survey to a Muslim colleague who loves to go on and on about her beliefs and religious celebrations. I have no problem with that and she knows I'm not religious in the slightest but when I mentioned the survey, it got us talking about knowledge vs her opinion (duh) faith is way more important than knowledge...hehehe. I, of course, begged to differ.
'The First Great Awakening'
Even about the Second Great Awakening, circuit riders, Graham crackers, and JWs to see how they are all tied together. :)
Luv you Poopsie!
I just took the quiz and blew the one(#14) about nirvana. What got me was both Hinduism, Buddhism believe in nirvana, they just define it differently. Oh well 14 out of 15 isn't bad.
Whitefield credits Edwards with his "awakening". I wonder how many Methodist understand why or how Whitefield was a Calvinist.
"I just took the quiz and blew the one(#14) about nirvana. Oh well 14 out of 15 isn't bad. ..."
Crap, maybe I got the question on Nirvana wrong... How embarassing for a Neo-PolyTheist!!
But in looking it up on the 'Net, Nirvana is a characteristic - belief - of BOTH Buddhism and Hinduism... Which is what I thought, going into the quiz...
I'll have to go back and take the quiz again. If the "Nirvana" question gives BOTH Buddhism and Hinduism as TWO separate answers, then the authors of the QUIZ need to do a little research, themselves...
then the authors of the QUIZ need to do a little research, themselves...
I had it wrong. The trick is in how the two define Nirvana differently. I just got my wires crossed.
Hah! I got the "Nirvana" question right; apparently Buddhism sort-of came up with it first and then the belief was added to Hinduism...
It was the question about - of ALL things - a teacher being allowed to lead her class in prayer...
Guess I was thinking of Patton and his pre-printed prayer, handed out to all the soldiers during the "Battle of the Bulge"... I should have remembered my Wiccan High-Priestess friend commenting on what is - and is not - allowed in schools anymore...
Luv you too Beks