badwillie wrote the following experience about an ignorant comment from a DO:
Case in Point:
A friend received a full scholarship from a local college to study to become a veternarian. She is now a freshman there.
Her congregation was just the host congregation so had the CO & DO visit together. The DO heard that this girl was in college full time. He came up to her after a meeting, and said very smugly.."oh, you're in College huh, let's just hope you find the time to pioneer". and then he just walked off.
Let's get some more quotes going.
Here's mine:
We were the host congregation for the CO and DO when our eldest daughter was about 8 months old. My husband and I decided when she was just a few weeks old to have her ears pierced. No big deal. It is a very common practice locally, even among JWs.
We had the "privilege" of having the DO and his wife work with us in service on the Saturday morning. They rode in our car, didn't offer any gas money (naturally), and gave the impression that because they were really 'special pioneers' they didn't have a lot of money to spare on frivolities like coffee break. So my husband, being a nice guy, and because he was 'reaching out' for privileges and hoped the DO would put a good word in for him, bought coffee and treats for the DO and his wife at coffee break time.
The DO was seated across from me and my daughter was on my knee, drinking some juice. My husband excused himself to take our son to the washroom. As soon as hubby was out of earshot, the DO changed the tone of the small talk conversation. He looked at my daughter and said with a superior tone: "You got her ears pierced, huh?? Might as well have had her nose done at the same time!" It must have been a test of my 'quiet and mild spirit', which I flunked royally. I smiled sweetly and said "I don't see how it's any worse than having little boys circumcised, as a matter of fact, I believe the Apostle Paul said that circumcision was actually unnecessary for Christians. I don't think he addressed the matter of earrings though, but I'm sure you'll agree that parents are the ones who Jehovah gives the decision making to, and it's really nobody else's business to criticise a personal matter like that. Isn't that true, Brother Johnson?? I'm sure [hubby] would have been interested to discuss the matter with you too, not to mention the principle of headship; so why did you wait until he was gone to bring it up with me??"
His wife stared at me, and he was glaring at me too. Obviously he wasn't accustomed to having a Sister telling him to mind his own damn business. Rather than going on Return Visits with us afterward as we had planned, he made arrangements for himself and his wife to go back to the Kingdom Hall with someone else. My husband was kind of surprised at the sudden change of plans, and when I told him about our little "conversation" in the coffee shop, he thought it was pretty funny, until I cautioned him against expecting an appointment because of it. He was disappointed, but I said, 'You really don't want to be taking that kind of crap from a guy who doesn't respect your headship over your own family, not to mention how he sponged off you today. If I'd let him get away with what he said today, he'll just keep doing it!'
Love, Scully
It is not persecution for an informed person
to expose a certain religion as being false. - WT 11/15/63
A religion that teaches lies cannot be true. -WT 12/1/91