How to Pray?

by brotherdan 63 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • brotherdan

    I wanted to list a few perspectives the Jews had on prayer and how we can benefit from it.

    You wanted to? Really? Well bless your heart, brotherdan!

    I'm feeling pretty upbuilt today by this thread

    Not so fast, "brother."

    Problem is, "your" perspectives were lifted word-for-word from the sermon, "The Purpose of Prayer," dated November 11, 1979 by (famous pastor)

    John F. MacArthur, Jr.

    brotherdan, you are thief and a hypocrite. If anyone here should be on their knees praying, it should be YOU begging forgiveness for your deliberate


    Thanks for the judgement, Sue. I didn't claim it was my own. I said that I've been LEARNING about the Jewish perspective and how it applied to Jesus model prayer.

    Nice job, taking an encouraging thread about prayer and turning it into an attempt to condemn and ridicule. You sound just like a Jehovah's Witness. Nice job judging me , Sue!

    John Macarthur is a great teacher, and I hope to used by God in that way too.

  • brotherdan

    Also, I never claimed they were MY perspective, but the Jewish perspective.

  • NiceDream

    streets76 - Oh, sorry. I see what you mean, that it's not physically helping them. But some people have faith that prayers can sometimes help, even if others think it's pointless.

  • brotherdan

    I was just reviewing some of Sue's posts and THEY ALL are copy and paste jobs.

    So I use a FANTASTIC sermon that was given by one of my spiritual heroes and I get bashed for it? I'm really getting tired of these angry atheists. She just ruined my day...

  • journey-on

    brotherdan, don't be drawn into the negative miasma. Let it go! Do NOT allow it to ruin your day. We had a great discussion of a great topic you started. Thank you. Peace.

  • brotherdan

    Prayer is one of the MOST helpfull things you can do for a person. Paul was extremely grateful for the prayers said in his behalf.

    Sue, is it ok if I mention the scripture? Or will that be a theft of the bible too?

  • brotherdan

    I'm just finding that this site is getting more godless and discouraging. Terry talks about God doing a strip tease. So many people are here because they let the WTS ruin their faith.

    Well I'm not letting the WTS ruin my faith.

  • undercover

    I can see where BD "borrowed" from the sermon, but it wasn't lifted word for word. If anything, he might could have made reference to the sermon as inspiration for his post.

    We all "borrow" from things we've read or seen, otherwise we wouldn't all be quoting or referencing Crisis of Conscience as much as we do.

  • brotherdan

    I did take some things word for word. If I can't say something better, then I will keep it the same.

    Sue, I apologize for not referrencing him. You must be an English teacher. Geeze...

  • undercover
    So many people are here because they let the WTS ruin their faith.

    Well, that's kinda the point of being here. But I would argue that most of us didn't "let" the WTS do anything. We finally said "Enough!" and walked away from their influence and false teachings. As a result some have transferred their faith, others have said, "eh, who needs it?"

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