Atanta megachurch pastor accused of sexual misconduct

by undercover 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    Anyone heard about this Eddie Long guy in Atlanta who is being sued for alleged sexual misconduct? I haven't seen any threads about it. Apologies if I missed it and this is a re-hash...

    Here's a link to an MSNBC article:

    Since this article was printed, two more people have come forward to accuse him.

    Innocent until proven guilty I guess, but I never tire of seeing preachers like this getting their comeuppance. Living large and fancy on the claim of being a man of god, bilking thousands, including the rich and famous.

  • snowbird

    I've been keeping up with it via a sister who lives in Decatur, GA.

    Shameful and disgusting, disgusting and shameful.

    This is what happens when we give mortal man too much control of our lives.


  • miseryloveselders

    I shouldn't laugh, but his name is ironic considering what he's being charged with. Its kind of like Dirk Diggler.

  • wasblind

    MLE, your a Mess

  • Joliette

    LOL I @ Eddie Long.

    His name sounds like a pornstar's name.

  • Black Sheep
  • Joshnaz

    Sexual misconduct in a church.......NO WAY!!!!

  • skeeter1

    The name . .. . OMG I didn't see that! How funny!!

  • truthseekeriam

    What really made me angry was him walking into his congregation to cheers !! I would never support any grown adult accused of such a crime without knowing all the facts. Why can't people be smart enough to stay quite until it goes to trial and all facts come out, before standing by someone accused of such a crime? How would they feel if it was their kid and everyone sided with the accused just because he's a good preacher/speaker/friend etc..

  • brotherdan

    Someone posted a response from a few teenagers in his church. They sounded VERY cult like. They stood behind him 100% without knowing ANY facts. They said that he absolutely didn't do anything inproper.

    The anchor responded by saying that he was sexually abused when he was young and the comments that the pastor made were EXACTLY what the molester said to him.

    Apparently it started with him making close friends with young men, watching tv with them, putting his legs on them while relaxing, etc... He would also tell them that the act wasn't "gay" because...

    Anyway, there are some sick people we all have to watch out for.

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