Former Jehovah's Witness hanging on hooks! ..... Why would he do this?

by koolaid-man 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • koolaid-man

    With his split tongue, a tattooed scalp and earlobe piercings the size of hockey pucks, it's easy to mistake Richard Ivey III for a sinister character with angry, boiling insides - or a chap as peculiar as Queequeg, the doomed Polynesian whaler from "Moby Dick." ........... Notice the word apostate tattooed on fingers

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  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    All the cash spent on ink and piercings could have been spent on exit counselling. To each his own, I guess.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Is that our RichieRich??

    If it is ...........

    ............ Hi Richie. Nice to see ya.



    This guy used to be a big poster on this forum a few years ago.

    He used to tell us about his latest escapades at his kingdom hall. He seemed to like attention and fame.

    He posted as RichieRich

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I have a copy of the Elder's Manual he obtained

  • WingCommander

    For some reason, all I can see is a red "X", so no photo here. BUT, if that is RichieRich, I feel sorry for him.

    He's gone just a bit too much "StrangeLand" for me. No thanks!!!!!!

    - Wing Commander

  • poppers

    As soon as I saw the photo I suspected that was RichieRich. After reading the article it's pretty apparent that's him.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Yep, that's him. I just don't get doing those things to your body but I love Richie. His posts were intellegent and funny. I miss the guy. I wish he'd show up here once in a while just to let us know how he is doing.

  • TheListener

    RichieRich stood up to his family and the congregation elders. He wanted to be his own person. He obtained a copy of the elders manual, with handwritten notes, and provided it to this forum.

    He posted his feelings, thoughts and actions as he went through the situation of leaving the witnesses and all that entails. I give him a lot of credit for opening up and sharing. Also for moving on.

    Hi Richie.

  • minimus

    Why did he leave this forum? I think somebody said he was fraudulent or something. I thought he was interesting.

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