What a mess you got yourself into~!!
First mistake: Not treating this as a strictly business transaction. You let your heart overrule your head. RARELY good in a business situation.
Second mistake: Not screening well enough. If you decide to re-rent, be sure to call all references (especially formerly landlords/roommates) and a primary question should be about cleanliness.
Third mistake: Allowing pet without HEFTY pet deposit. (Think $500 - $1000) Pets in new surroundings WILL have accidents. Also, a 'pet-free' house can actually demand a higher rental price from people who have good paycheck but also are allergic to pets, dust and dander. Depending on where you live, you might be able to get double the rent you are currently charging. I rent out a room with private bath to a 'working professional person' for over $800. It was more money before I got my cat.
Clarification: I didn't handle this through text. I asked her to meet with me face to face and we did. I only texted her when she wasn't here because I wanted her to come home and pick up the dog shit. I like the texts so in case I need proof in the future.
I HATE texting. Here's how to cover yourself. You can have the face-to-face. Take notes if you want. Send confirmation email to summarize the details of the conversation. Email is also easier to incorporate into documentation files and documents.
My suggestion about the pending payment(s), by 9am on the day after the rent was due but not paid, have her served with eviction. No more talking. It's time for doing. This leopard is not likely to change her spots anytime soon.
I was nervous as all get-out when I first decided to rent out my house. I talked to people I know who have done it well. I have my preferred profile of a great tenant and have only been disappointed once. Even that was not a total nightmare. Just not a good fit for me or the neighborhood. But that's just one negative out of FIVE exceptional tenants.
My preferred tenant profile is someone who has a job and can afford considerably more than what I am charging. Someone who can afford their own apartment but would rather save the money right now. Surprisingly, I have great luck finding people who work near here but actually live out of town. They are mostly working 10 hours a day and going home (several hours away) on the weekends. My nice patio and backyard view offer a great place to unwind.
15 years ago, I rented out a room like you did - at a 'bargain price' - with dissapointing results. Funnily enough, they were also Church People. Well... they were JWs.
I much prefer the busy people with demanding jobs who are tired of living out of a suitcase in a hotel.
Good luck with the current situation. Screen better next time. Maybe present your options here next time and let us help you with the process.
PS: I think I should be just a little sympathetic here. I *do* feel for you and understand your dismay. Sorry that you are having to deal with this unsettling situation.