(sighs) i kinda have a problem...>.<

by BlackTwisted 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot

    we have another poster hikura who might have some similar tastes!

    You really do need to talk to your mom though about your social needs and explain to her you need to interact with others you own age (boy/girls)on a regular basis (admit that you visted at least one chat sight, tell you feel guilty but also very much alone that loneliness has driven you actions - at the same time you are fearful of her isolating your even more...... you want to find a healthy middle ground (maybe go back to public/private school).

    If your mom is 'uber' then suggest visiting other KHs.....many parents of teenagers try to set up meetups (movies, put-put golf-- wholesome stuff) If your mom won't listen approach and Elder and his wife about helping your mom discern your social need at this stage of your life.

    It will be hard for your mom but your safety and balanced development should be paramount! My daughter is a bit younger (not much) and as much as I hated it ..... I had to allow her to have a broader social base beyond the KH, Dad's Church and structured activities (softball, ballet, girl scouts, 4H etc)...

    A good segway might be those extra activities where you can at least have a chance to get invited to a social gathering of your peers

  • wannabefree
  • ex-witness

    I skipped over the majority of this thread after your initial post....

    Your issue is he's an atheist? What's the problem? He doesn't believe in an invisible person who judges the things you do, magically created everything, and tests you? I'm an atheist. That doesn't make me a bad person. (I work at the evil daily :P) Now, if he makes of YOUR beliefs, then that's more of a character flaw. Atheism isn't, though.

    Good luck.

  • BlackTwisted

    @Yknot: thanks, it seems that you have the advice i need ^_^..other people had the advice as well...but i wish they hadn't come at my neck like that! O_O lol, but i wil ltake yours and others advice though^_^.

    and it seems people thought i was using sites like eharmony..*facepalm* i dont want to meet old people! so i guess that's why they came at my neck like that haha xD!

    and about the KH assoication, my mom doesn't mind, she's pretty laid back at most stuff, but she is strict on some stuff..see what i mean?

    and maybe i might gom back to public school...i seemed to have missed out a lot. but then again..it seemed that i made a right decision, not to give in peer presure, i guess things have a good side and a darkside..>.>

    however, about the bf issue, idk, i guess i am over-reacting because of a lot of stress i suppose. now this made me feel a lot better. ^_^

    @ex-witness: no, i don't personally mind being *him* (sorry, i keep mispelling, stupid keyboard!) an athiest, it's just that..you know how JWs get when they find out your dating someone who isn't their own faith..>_>.

    but i thank everyone..except the wingcommander dude or whatever his name is. for helping me ^_^, i feel a lot better, i feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders! ^_^ i was just over-reacting over the whole virtual realtionship, but i guess i just wanted to be extra careful. now that i think of it...i think the PMS has gotten me again..this always happens when i'm on it -_- i get over emotional over nothing, then i have mood-swings..grr. curse those darn things! >.<

    and i think i was looking at one post and saw hikura's, she seem slike the person i would hang with and be best buds with ^_^. so i thank almost everyone for helping me and putting me in my place, you all made me realized that i was over-reacting. and what i was doing is wrong (which is something i am trying to work on) but however, i do feel sometimes suicidal, not al lthe times, i have my days...unfortunately, this was one of them, but i am over it, and a big thanks to Yknot ^_^

  • yknot

    Good night sleep tight BT!

  • BlackTwisted

    @Yknot: godd night Yknot ^_^ and about the dating him thing, i am not gonna break it off with him,. i wil lgive him a chance, i know ir sounds wrong, but i want to follow what i belive is right in my heart, and i dont think just sending him off without a good reason is a mistake also, i know, i have a lot to learn, but even if we did break up, we would stil ltalk to each other so either way, it's okay with me! just long as nothing comes between us ^_^

    and i wil lsleep well tonight ^_^

    EDIT:@rosepetal: well, thanks for the critsizism...and advice, and there's a lot of reasons why parents let their children have freedom over the internet, one they want to feel trusted, and plus, even if the parents were VERY strict like some in my family, they would still do it anyway, just behind their backs. so either way, they're going to do it.

    my mom DOES watch me, i be doing more than just chatting, i make vids a lot, so i go back and forth watch youtube videos, multitasking, i just don't do one thing.

    however, you are right, but he lives very far from me so i doubt he could travel over :P and even if he did, he would have to be at my house.

    @ people who thinks my mom doesn't protect me: my mom is protective of me, she trusts me, don't any of you see that? she DOES protect me. just because it's not the way you guys do it, doesn't mean she doesn't protect me and trust me. nobody's perfect, people do things differ from other people.

    Also, i am a good kid, so i have been told, i mean, i would never like sneak out or anything like that, my mom trust me and i trust her. plus, my mom ALWAYS talk to the people i talk to now before i EVEN can consider them friends, she makes sure my friends aren't pedos, (if they're my online buddies.) and this include females i talk to online also, not just the males. so she KNOWS what i am doing. you guys jump conclusions sometimes..>_> but i do like you all still lol so i can't complain. but please, don't blame my mother. we all trust one another, and also, she is a single parent. Yes, it is hard to belive that she allows me this access to the internet, but she DOES supervise me, it may not be the way you guys would do it, but she does supervise me on computer. i kid you not.

    yes, i know cyber dating/chatting is dangerous, why do you think i don't mind my mom talking to my peeps on the phone from online?Her sixth sense is stronger than mine at most costs. and about the dating issue, i am not going to call it off unless there is a very good reason to.(no,cyber dating isn't a good enough reason to call it off, i already know what i need to know about him. and so far, there hasn't been any false identification, i asked him trick questions just to make sure. so i know he wasn't or isn't lying. however, i will still keep a good eye on what i am doing and him too and everyone else of who i talk to online.

    again, i appreciate people who cares a lot about this, although you guys critisized me a little, at least i know there's plenty of people who cares.


    @mad Dawg: yes, he could be pretending to be 40, that happens in most cases. and thanks for not bashing me, i guess you can't have fairytales and realioty coming at you at the same time, wanting them both.

    @AGuest: (just a guest??) Your right, i am taking this a little too fast. i do have my years to go..if we are ever going to last that long aha. but to be on the real side, you are right. also, that is why i don't want to become a JW early at my age, i feel if i rush that also, i would miss out on everything (not anything bad like rebellious things, but you know, being a kid, not that i have a problem becoming one or anything , i just don't want that to be rushed also) because belive it or not, when parents rush their kids (i'm talking on the parents side this time) to become a JW or something other than that, some of their kids may become disfellowshipped. not trying to say that all parents or kids are like that. but that sometimes happens.Which i sometimes belive that's why my mom isn't too restrictive on my cases.She wants me to enjoy my time as a youth. she wants me to let me have my own privacy because not to be rude or anything..but...if my mom was restrictive on all of my cases in my life, we wouldn't be very close like we are now, sorry if this is kind of rude (i wasn't intended to be rude,but sorry if this is offensive to some people) but just imagine, mom and daughtyer in a same house, not speaking to each other..that would kind of be creepy and sad a bit.

    but Aguest, you are right, i only have one life, and life is what you make it.

    @Black Sheep: oh my...O_O um..okay, Thank you for the information on this.

    (oh, and sorry that i couldn't post this in another response, i'm kind of at my limit.)

  • RosePetal

    If you are for real BlackTwisted this guy sounds like he could be grooming you. Cyber dating is very dangerous and if I were your parent it would not make any difference if I JW or not I would not allow you to use the computor without you being monitered you would only use it under supervision.

    I cannot believe your parents have been allowing you this freedom. And this should have nothing to do with whether he is an athiest or not that is irelevant this is wrong full stop.

    If I were you parent and I found this out I would not be sleeping well tonight.


  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    Black, for all you know, he is 40 years old and just trying to get into your pants. It appears that the only things you know about him is what HE has told you. Perverts will be the "boyfriend" of several girls at a time. They practice until they can pass for 16. It is easy to be anything you want from behind a computer monitor. Girls who are wishing for their knight in shining armor only make it easier. I have neices that were sure of their "sixth sense". Now they are stuck in miserable marriages. I am not getting on your case here, just pointing out reality. I do wish the best for you.

  • AGuest

    Dearest BlackTwisted... may you have peace!

    This really isn't my usual kind of topic, but since I am a mom (2, age 28 and 33), perhaps I can give you the same advice that I gave mine. First, I did allow them to use the Internet as teenagers. I sincerely trusted them (my "rule" was "I trust you to the extent you allow me to trust you. If I find out I can't trust you, then it's off"). So they never had a curfew ("If I can trust you out until 2 o'clock in the morning, then you can stay out until 2 in the morning" - meaning, you'd better be where you say are you doing what you said you were doing. "However, if I can't trust you past 2 o'clock in the afternoon, then you'd better have your butt in this house by 1:59pm").

    You are 15. If you live to, say, 80, you have not even lived 1/4 of your entire lifespan. You only get to be a "kid" for about 1/4 of your entire life span; after that, you really MUST be an adult... with adult life, adult responsibilities, etc. And I don't mean a husband and kids. I mean, you can go to jail. I mean, you mom and dad can't "save" you from a lot of your choices then. Why, then, would you want to RUSH THROUGH BEING A CHILD?

    My dear little one, you're childhood is going to be over in less than 10 years. Over. Gone. Kaput. And you will NEVER get it back. Wouldn't it be BETTER... to take life in it's normal stages... and relish each "phase" as it comes... rather than looking back and saying, "I never got to... whatever... as a child?"

    I understand... TRULY... that being 15 is hard. VERY hard. But... it also goes by VERY fast. More than you can possible know right now.

    My daughter turned 33 a few weeks ago. She is unmarried, with no kids. She was and is quite mature for her age. But she realized some time ago that if she didn't ALLOW herself to enjoy her younger years they would pass by so fast that she would have regrets.

    I will be 51 next week. And if I know nothing else in this world, I know that the MOST unfair thing... even more unfair than death... is that you CANNOT go back. You CAN'T do kindergarten... or 5th grade... or 15... over again. You are 5... 10... 15... 25... 40... and so on... only once. ONLY ONCE.

    And so my advice to you is: do 15. While you're 15. Don't try to do 16... or 18... or 24.

    Do 15 and be content with BEING 15. Meaning... take it slow. This is one boy. One. And there are more, many more... out there.

    Need something to do? I offer you three things: (1) Read a book, one that will take you away from the things you know and introduce you to things that you might also like or need to know; (2) join a club or volunteer, maybe even to help younger kids, and be a role model/help for them; and (3) breathe. Just be still and breathe. Do nothing. You are 15 - you don't have to DO anything.

    15 is a wonderful age, dear one... if YOU allow it to be.

    I hope this helps and I bid you peace!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I don't know how much of their doctrine you have been taught yet, but did you know that.... ?

    They teach that Jehovah is going to kill your BF soon if he doesn't join their church.

    They teach that Jehovah is going to kill your children if they don't join their church.

    If you have children and you believe Watchtower doctrine, you will see your husband as being a great danger to your children unless he joins your new church too.

    If your children get baptised, then leave the church for any reason, you will be required to shun them and limit your association with them to 'essential family business'.

    If your children get baptised, then you leave the church for any reason, They will be required to shun you and limit their association with you to 'essential family business'.

    If your study conductor denies any of this, ask her to show you the Watchtower articles or books that contradict what I have just told you. If she does show you something, make sure you read the whole article and comprehend what it is saying. Never only read the line, or paragraph, or verse, anyone shows you. Read the whole article/chapter and check the qualifications of the author. If something they say is not supported be the grammar of the passage or context of the passage they quote, don't let them get away with it. There is no point in learning English grammar, if you don't apply the rules at all times, even if you don't like the implications of reading it correctly.

    The instructions for shunning are on their official website and you can show her that yourself.

    Teach yourself critical thinking skills while you are young. They will benefit you throughout your entire life. You might have this book, or books by the same author in your local library. http://www.amazon.com/Teach-Your-Child-How-Think/dp/0140238301 It's not just a book for kids. The skills it teaches are just as valuable for adults.

    Be careful


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